Boosting collaboration between research centres and industry to enhance rapid industrial uptake of Innovative Functional Textile Structures and Textile.


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Presentation transcript:

Boosting collaboration between research centres and industry to enhance rapid industrial uptake of Innovative Functional Textile Structures and Textile related Materials in a Mondial Market Prof. Paul KIEKENS ZADAR – CROATIA, 13 May 2012

Project data Coordination Action : FP7-NMP-2011-CSA-5 Grant Agreement no Project Coordinator : Prof. Paul Kiekens, UGent Project Duration : 01/01/2012 – 31/12/2015

We are 26 partners from 16 countries, working together to transfer new functional textile technologies to the industry. 16 partners representing research & training 10 partners representing industry Consortium

Partnership Partner legal NameCountryOrganisation type Ghent University, Department of Textiles (UGent)BelgiumUniversity VTTFinlandResearch Institute Kiev National University of Technologies and Design (KNUTD)UkraineUniversity Istanbul Technical University, Textile Technologies and Design Faculty (ITU) TurkeyUniversity Ege University, Textile Engineering Department (EGE)TurkeyUniversity Kaunas University of Technology, Department of Textile technology (KTU) LithuaniaUniversity Fundación TEKNIKERSpainResearch Institute VITO, Materials Technology Unit (VITO)BelgiumResearch Institute “SPECTRA”-Öztek Textile Printing and Dyeing Industries Inc. (Öztek)Turkey Large enterprise with R&D facilities Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering (WUT) PolandUniversity University of Twente, Faculty of Engineering Technology, EFSM Industrial Research Group (UT) The Netherlands University The "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi (TUIASI)RomaniaUniversity Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UCCI)UkraineSector Organisation

Partnership (2) PartnerCountryOrganisation type Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz (STFI) GermanyResearch Institute Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT)AustriaResearch Institute SVÚM a.s., Strength DepartmentCzech RepublicSME, Research Center National Research Council (CNR) – Institute for Macromolecular Studies (ISMAC) and Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramics (ISTEC) (CNR) ItalyResearch Institute AUTEX VZW (AUTEX)Belgium Association of Universities for Textiles INOTEXCzech Republic SME – Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre Future in Textiles Association (FIT)RomaniaSector Organisation UP-Tex clusterFranceAssociation of companies Istanbul Textile Research and Development Center (ITKIB-ITA)TurkeySME (Semi-private) NWTexNetUKSME - Industrial Association Danish Technological Institute (DTI)DenmarkResearch Institute TechniTex Faraday Limited (TechniTex)UK SME - Industrial Research Organisation EcoPlus Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur GmbHAustriaAssociation

What do these have in common : Functional Textiles

Functional Textiles are at the CROSSROAD of Technologies Conventional textile technologies : spinning, weaving, knitting, finishing, … Coating Polymer chemistry Electrospinning Extrusion Nanotechnology Micro-encapsulation Stretchable electronics Interconnections between textiles and electronics Sensors Textile-based electronic components …

The Mission 2BFUNTEX deals with closing the gap between research and industry in the field of functional textile structures and textile related materials exploiting the untapped technological potential fostering a multidisciplinary approach  faster industrial uptake

What will be created ? A Website with interactive database and information system : A meeting place for project ideas & partner search A training materials database for universities and industry and a web based learning platform Multidisciplinary project teams  to support transversal research to close the gap between industry needs and available technologies Conferences, workshops (for SMEs), brokerage events, training courses, …

= market place for all stakeholders involved in functional textile structures and textile related materials platform for current and future actions in research, education and technology transfer to industry

= transfer of information to a wide public raise awareness of the potential of functional materials increase acceptance of technologies

If you are a research organisation : 2BFUNTEX will help you to present your current & future actions in research, education and technologies related to functional textile materials

If you are a company : 2BFUNTEX.EU will be the place to visit in order to : detect new technologies & business opportunities express your needs

Step 1 Collecting all relevant information related to ongoing and planned research and activities and industrial needs : via internet through information survey/questionnaire via face-to face meetings supported by workshops on innovation management, systems thinking and foresight

Step 2 Development of an interactive database  tool box to find info on status of technology, people involved, contacts, possibilities and limitations  portal for disseminating information and contacting targeted people  links to existing databases

All information related to functional textiles will be accessible through Project descriptions & Project ideas Technologies available Training activities Events …

Step 3 Detection of synergies and gaps and the creation of project ideas Inventory phase  overview of gaps and (new and reinforced) synergies  new project ideas  joint research projects  technology transfer to industry create new business in functional materials

Step 4 Training and education to increase the number of well- trained people Development of a modular training course and training materials to be used both for education and industrial training purposes Guest lectures and workshops well trained students and well informed people working in industry

Step 5 Creation of multidisciplinary project teams performing research in the field of functional materials and oriented towards industry  enhanced identification of new functional materials  industrial applications of added value functional materials with new functionalities and improved performance creation of new business worldwide

Official launch of the 2BFUNTEX website & database : FALL 2012

Information URL :