LARP LQX and MQX Magnets Cryogenic Testing at Fermilab’s Industrial Building 1 Roger Rabehl Technical Division/Test & Instrumentation Department.


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Presentation transcript:

LARP LQX and MQX Magnets Cryogenic Testing at Fermilab’s Industrial Building 1 Roger Rabehl Technical Division/Test & Instrumentation Department

Present Cryogenic Capabilities Horizontal test stand providing 1.9 K subcooled liquid bath.

Present Cryogenic Capabilities Feed Box with a Two- Bath System – Saturated 4.5 K liquid for vapor-cooled power leads – Subcooled 1.9 K liquid for magnet testing – Separated by a lambda plate

Present Cryogenic Capabilities Feed Box Connections – Heat exchanger (for present LHC IR quadrupoles, inner line is pumped 1.9 K two-phase and annular area is subcooled 1.9 K liquid) – Magnet He supply (two for instrumentation, one for power bus, one capped) – Beam pipe for warm bore/magnetic measurements – Cool-down return – Thermal shield LN 2 supply and return

Present Cryogenic Capabilities Return End Connections – Heat exchanger pipe termination and a liquid collection pot. – Cool-down return.

Present Cryogenic Capabilities Subatmospheric operations – Two Kinney pump skids located in IB1 (KMBD 3203 blower/KLRC 950 liquid ring pump; KMBD 2002 blower, KLRC 525 liquid ring pump) provide combined capacity of 5 g/s at 15 Torr (assuming 2 Torr pressure drop from 17 Torr/1.9 K). – Dedicated to the LHC quadrupole horizontal test stand. – The same pumps used to test the present LHC IR quadrupoles.

Present Cryogenic Capabilities Subatmospheric operations – Feed Box includes a single-layer J-T heat exchanger to minimize flashing as 4.5 K saturated liquid is supplied to the 1.9 K heat exchanger

Present Cryogenic Capabilities 1.9 K heat exchanger for present LHC IR quads – Saturated 1.9 K liquid in corrugated inner line, which also served as the pumping line on the test stand. – Subcooled 1.9 K liquid in outer annular volume, connected to magnet volume through cross-over pipes in the cryostats. D. Ramos Duarte, CERN (10/22/13)

Present Cryogenic Capabilities 1.9 K heat exchanger for LQX and MQX – Saturated 1.9 K liquid in HX pipe placed in cold mass cooling hole(s). – Pumping line is external to the cold mass. – Connection between HX pipe and pumping line must be made in the cryostat. D. Ramos Duarte, CERN (10/22/13) H. Allain, R. van Weelderen, CERN (11/28/12)

Present Cryogenic Capabilities With proper cryostat provisions (pumping line with cross-overs, cool-down return, thermal shield), the cryogenic process of LQX and MQX testing will be similar to the testing of the present LHC IR quads. Lead flows To compressor suction GN 2 vent Pumps LHe/GHe supply LN 2 supply Fill valves J-T HX Cool-down/ warm-up return Reliefs, quench recovery J-T valve Return End Cryostated cold mass with external pumping line Interconnect Feed Box 1.9 K saturated liquid 1.9 K subcooled liquid 4.5 K saturated liquid

Present Cryogenic Capabilities Cryogenic controls will use the standard IB1 process control architecture – Industrial PLC for process control – Industrial HMI (iFix from GE-Fanuc) for operator displays, historical data collection, and historical data trend plotting

Required Cryogenic Capability Upgrades Quench recovery system – Motivation is to recover helium gas generated by high-energy magnet quenches rather than venting to atmosphere, as was done for previous LHC IR quadrupole testing. – In 2012, a 4,000 ft 3 helium gas tank was reconfigured to also operate as a quench tank. – In service since June 2012 for VMTF, saving ~$1.2k of helium per quench. – Need to extend existing piping and tie in to the test stand and to the quench header. New Existing Stand 4

Required Cryogenic Capability Upgrades Controlled cool- down/warm-up – Present LHC IR quadrupoles were tested with unrestricted cool-down and warm-up. – Operational experience in providing controlled cool- down/warm-up of magnets in other test stands. – Engineering assessment required to determine optimum implementation of automatic temperature control. (Automatic) (Manual)

Required Cryogenic Capability Upgrades Miscellaneous – Refurbishment of vacuum (pump-down and insulating vacuum) systems – Re-sizing of relief devices and relief discharge header – Valve and instrument upgrades

Present Cryogenic Capabilities LQX quadrupole testing figures of merit – ~30 hour cool-down from 300 K to 4.5 K – 6 hour pump-down from 4.5 K to 1.9 K – 3 hour quench recovery

Present capabilities Feed Box Removable Insert – Includes lambda plate, LN 2 -cooled shield, baffles, current leads – Three 15 kA vapor-cooled current leads allow individual powering of single cold masses or series powering of both cold masses in the cryostat

Required Cryogenic Capability Upgrades Feed and return adapter boxes/piping spools