Day 1 Review of Course logistics Literature review development: develop the topics and title for the research projects using Card sort and graphic organisers Confirm and assign topics for the lit review Confirm presentations Get a good overview of the assignments
Research Topic – Resource Depletion/Eco-Sustainability what are the resource or climate change challenges for the future? what can we as individuals, communities and/or nations do to prevent climate change or resource collapse? what theories of change, of behaviour, of nature, of spirit, of power can make a difference in this area
Research Topic Te Punanga Haumaru Bully Banishing project How does ecosustainability play out in communities with few resources and relative poverty? How do we build community resilience and become ecosustainable (i.e. not increasing consumption and waste)? How do we address inequality when even our poorest communities may not be ecosustainable?
Te Punanga Haumaru Bully Banishing project Teaching children and adults how to deflect/avoid bullying Creating an awareness of what constitutes bullying and what ordinary citizens can do about it Shifting the perception of the community away from one of vulnerability and victimhood to one of energy and creativity with a zero tolerance of bullying Discovering the resources, including the ecological resources within the community and getting them shared and used Getting the community agencies and businesses to collaborate around anti-bullying messages, building community resilience and reducing inequality
Research Topic – Practicum students Self chosen topic Working in groups of two or three Research methods course used to prepare for the Research Practicum
Assessment tasks: Research Methods only Whole class group Resource Depletion/Eco-sustainability Research project WeightDue date Partial literature review: A written research essay covering an area of literature that is important to the development of a project 25%3 rd of April Presentation: A 5 minute presentation on one area of the research project from the literature review 15%8th April to 10 th June Method: Collect, input and transcribe data from the MPHS project 25%13 th May Analysis of results: A report thematically analysing an aspect of grouped data 35%3 rd July
Assessment tasks: Research Practicum preparation Weigh ting Due date Method : A written report on the method proposed for the research and an application to Ethics Committee 15% 8th of April/6th May Literature review: A written research essay covering an introduction to the research hypothesis or question, a justification of the value of committing resources to the hypothesis/question, and a literature review 30%20th April Data Collection and transcription : Interviews, Focus groups, Questionnaires or case studies, etc 5%3rd July
Assessment tasks: Research Practicum preparation Weight ing Due date Results analysis: Compiling a demographic profile, breaking data into themes, creating narratives, quantising themes, managing contexts, statistical analysis 19% End of July Discussion, Conclusion and Abstract: Summarising, comparing results against literature, recommendations, etc 19% EO Nov Presentation: A minute presentation describing the project ands its outcomes 12%EO Nov
Topics and Titles in small groups Create a title for a research project that looks at what are the resource or climate change challenges for the future? what can we as individuals, communities and/or nations do to prevent climate change or resource collapse? what theories of change, of behaviour, of nature, of spirit, of power can make a difference in this area Create a list of things you might have to explore for this project
Topics-Themes-Title Imagine that we live on a lake
Some earnest believable people say that the water level is going to rise 2 metres permanently and shatter our way of life
All around the world. How do we react? What would we do to understand the possibilities of the future and our part in them?
What are the solutions? Can we change and adapt to a new way of being? If we can’t, why not?
Cardsort “Cardsort is a generic name for any process that uses statements written on cards and has participants sieve, cluster, or rank ideas or statements” (O’Reilly, 2008) “Cardsorts are especially helpful with ethnic and minority groups. In today’s increasingly multi-cultural world where the norming of standardised psychometric instruments beyond Anglo-Saxon western culture lags behind, Cardsorts offer another distinct advantage. Interpretations are not dependent on predetermined norms…”(Stevens, 2006:2)
Dennis O’Reilly – consensus cardsort
whanau futures cardsort
Cardsort stage 1 Form groups – 7-10 per group Each individual writes their ideas (topic) on a white ‘idea card’ Write neatly one idea per card. If you have more than one idea use another idea card – write at least 3 ideas When you have finished writing all your ideas gather all the idea cards in your group together and shuffle them.
Cardsort stage 2 Distribute the shuffled idea cards equally amongst the group Cluster similar white idea cards into categories or themes Make sure that you all are in rough agreement (consensus) with the categories created and the cards within each category – this may take some time and compromises will be needed. Categories with lots of idea cards may need to be broken into two or more categories. Idea cards could go into two categories Give a label to the category on a pink summary card and put this on top of the relevant pile
Cardsort Stage 3 Each group states all their themes to the whole class. Any theme that is ‘missing’ from your group gets written down as a new theme, on a pink card (designate someone in your group to do this) Back to group work: each group distributes the pink theme cards equally amongst the group Cluster similar pink theme cards into no more than three or four categories Name these categories (on a blue card), and try to create a ‘title’ that links them to the idea of ‘sustainable communities’
Graphic organiser – mind map
Deconstructing our title Men’s movement – definition, participation, themes Direction – history, where’s it from? Development – where’s it going? Leaders, key ideas Aoteroa – NZ context, regions
What is a literature review? It defines the words in the title of your research project It gives a sufficient background and/or a history of the topic so that the context of the research can be understood It analyses the underlying ideas and theories that are suggested by the title It describes the groups/populations that are most affected by the events and theories under examination It analyses evidence from other research that supports or denies key theories related to the topic
Theme 1
Theme 1 Topic 1
Theme 1 Topic 2
Theme 1 Topics 1-4
Themes 1-5
All themes – all topics
Flexibility of Cardsort Advantages Adaptable Inclusive process Variety of ways to input Open ended Transportable Cheap to run Disadvantages Takes time – about 2 hours Groups tend to conform to majority view Depth of data questionable
Accessibility of Cardsort Advantages Disadvantages Helpful with ethnic and minority groups - Cross cultural Resonates with Maori Useful method for hard to reach communities Enables engagement with people who might otherwise be resistant to participation Lower literacy demands Sensitive to community symbols and voices Doesn’t capture group dynamics Not able to quantify how common a cards is in a cluster
Comfortability of Cardsort Advantages Disadvantages Participants feel at ease Non-hierarchical Mitigates personal issues Useful for conflict resolution Views change over time and may shift
Effectiveness of Cardsort Advantages Disadvantages Good starting point Fosters authority over self Promotes Puawaitanga (study, strategic thinking) Fosters synergy Results generally exceed expectations
Next Week Morality and Connection Do Moral and Carbon Footprint questionnaires The Carbon Footprint questionnaire is a weblink on the Moral questionnaire. Sign in as an Australian. Later on, when asked where you live, say “Tasmania”.