Accountable Internet Protocol David Andersen (CMU) Hari Balakrishnan (MIT) Nick Feamster (Georgia Tech) Scott Shenker (Berkeley)
2 Many Security Problems/Point Solutions For each problem, point solutions Fundamental problem: accountability is not intrinsic to current Internet architecture
Accountable Internet Protocol Key idea: New addressing for networks and hosts –Other protocols can use this property as foundation: (Anti-spoofing, secure routing, DDoS shut-off, etc.) AD and EID are self-certifying flat names AD = hash( public_key_of_AD ) Self-certification binds name to named entity AD and EID are self-certifying flat names AD = hash( public_key_of_AD ) Self-certification binds name to named entity Address = AD1:EID If multihomed, has multiple addresses AD1:EID,AD2:EID,AD3:EID AD1AD2 Address Structure Application: Anti-Spoofing 1. Send P 2. Sent P? {nonce} A 3. Yes! { hash(P), nonce } K -1 A Signed with private key corresponding to EID A