Preserving Anti-Platelet Activity of Aspirin by Preventing Hydrolysis John C. Somberg*, Vasant V. Ranade*, Imran Qadeer*, Jackie Coleman**, Janos Molnar*** Rush University, Chicago, IL* Accumetrics, San Diego, CA** Academic Pharmaceuticals, Lake Bluff, IL***
Purpose of the Study Hydrolysis of aspirin markedly reduces the anti-platelet activity of aspirin (ASA) preventing the development of an effective IV formulation. This study evaluates a new IV formulation that prevents hydrolysis and preserves platelet inhibition.
Benefits of ASA ISIS-2: Second International Study of Infarct Survival Reduction in odds of vascular death in days 0–35, by time from pain onset Odds ratio and 95%CI* 0– Subtotal for 0–4 5–12 13–24 Subtotal for 5–24 Total for 0–24 The ISIS-2 collaborative group. Lancet 1988; ii: 349–60. * Size of squares indicates how much information available; lines and diamonds indicate 95% CIs Time of randomization (hours from pain onset) SK better Placebo better Aspirin better Placebo better SK; Streptokinase
Benefits of ASA Kong et al, AJC 90:622, 2002
Feldman and Cryer, AJC 84: 404, 1999
Kotake et al. JCPT 31:237, 2006
Methods Hydrolysis was determined by HPLC using a Luna column (5µ, 100x46 mm), a constant flow pump (Thermo-Finnigan Spectra System P2000) and a Spectra 200 programmable UV wavelength detector. Platelet function was evaluated ex vivo using the “Verify Now” assay developed by Accumetrics thatemploys a method that is based upon the principle that agonist (arachidonic acid) -induced activated platelets bind to fibrinogen-coated polystyrene beads that agglutinate in whole-blood. Infrared-light transmittance through the chamber increases as the agglutinated platelets and beads fall out of the solution.
Rate of Hydrolysis Percent not hydrolyzed Fresh 1 Day 1 month 6 months 40°C 40°C 40 °C New formulation ASA Aqueous ASA
The Effect of ASA Solutions on Platelet Inhibition Percent Inhibition Platelets Fresh 1 month 6 months Aqueous ASA New ASA Formulation Vehicle Solution 0 0 0
Conclusions Aqueous solutions of ASA hydrolyzes and this correlates with a diminished ex vivo ASA effect on platelet function A new formulation of ASA for IV administration shows no hydrolysis at 1 & 6 months of storage at 40°C This lack of hydrolysis of the new formulation correlates with ex vivo measured platelet inhibition by ASA Availability of an IV formulation of ASA may be useful in the treatment of acute coronary syndromes