Summary of our Meeting “Do changes introduced in your practice go nowhere, are bogged down by negativism, distractions, disinterest, or even active resistance?.“ JOP. 2010;6(5): The “Bringing It Home” Challenge Jeff Riley, Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN USA “Bringing It Home” Disclosure: I have advised, or managed grants to or clinical trials at Mayo Clinic in the areas of simulation and perfusion technology with the following groups: Sorin USASpecialty Care Medtronic Maquet Getinge Group Global Blood ResourcesTerumo Cardiovascular Simulation workshop feedback report What can we take home? How have participants experienced this meeting? Goal setting for 2011 and beyond
Two Objectives 1.Review simulation workshop feedback 2.List potential portable ideas
Having experienced the content of this meeting, I would still register for the meeting again. 1.Yes 2.No
Sim Workshop vs. In Situ Sim Delegates reported a format preference
Favorite Simulation Workstation Thursday Friday n = n =
Power/Battery Failure Workstation Thursday Friday n = 11 n = 9
Vacuum Assist Workstation Thursday Friday n = 12 n = 9
Preference for Workshop vs. Individual In Situ Sim Thursday Friday n = 28n = 20
Are AmSECT and the ICEBP headed in the right direction with simulation? Thursday Friday n = 28n = 20
Notes from the Sim Workshop Debrief valued the team sharing workshop aspects versus the promise of an individual In Situ simulation experience generally reported that the workshop station content and activities were transferable to home expressed concern regarding cost and equipment issues with a national re-certification effort for practicing perfusionists Delegates: Like our anesthesiology colleagues, perfusionists should have to complete simulation-based educational activities as part of their re-certification requirements. n = 20
Versus In Situ simulation individual rooms and the workshop format, what do you recommend? n = 21
How have delegates experienced the meeting? What can you take home with you? –Ideas for action Potential pay-off for idea at home Ease of adoption for the idea Dimensions for reviewing meeting content –Learning –Follow-up –Accountability
Categories of potential action items to take home 1.Perfusion science literature 2.Track your clinical results and outcomes 3.Use an error-reduction program to improve patient safety 4.Make clinical practice changes 5.Author evidence-based clinical procedure guidelines 6.Leadership
Perfusion Science Literature 1.Read ICEBP Newsletter 2.Start journal club 3.Start case report club; write a case report 4.Automatic literature review via auto notification of article keywords (PubMed) 5.Access document library of articles free of copyright constraints 6.Design and execute a research project for your team 7.Perform a meta-analysis regarding a specific hypothesis D I F F I C U L T Y
Regarding the actions for change at home related to the perfusion science literature: 1.We’ve got this one figured out 2.Useful ideas that I will take home and work on 3.Have thought about doing some of these 4.Interesting ideas, but not for us
Track your clinical results and outcomes 1.Evaluate your practice through the use of local databases 2.Be involved in / contribute to your STS database 3.Contribute to a perfusion registry 4.Start a quality indicator tracking program; collect, analyze, communicate 5.Do additional work at the end of a case to collect quality indicator parameter results 6.Create indicator run charts for at least two parameters for each patient 7.Share surgeon-specific and perfusionist-specific performance data: Use a data wall D I F F I C U L T Y
Regarding the actions for change at home related to track your clinical results and outcomes: 1.We’ve got this one figured out 2.Useful ideas that I will take home and work on 3.Have thought about doing some of these 4.Interesting ideas, but not for us
Use an error-reduction program to improve patient safety 1.Start error (variance) reporting in your perfusion practice 2.Submit your clinical errors / near misses to a benchmarking database
Regarding the actions for change at home related to use an error-reduction program to improve patient safety: 1.We’ve got this one figured out 2.Useful ideas that I will take home and work on 3.Have thought about doing some of these 4.Interesting ideas, but not for us
Make clinical practice changes 1.Volunteer / participate in your institutional transfusion committee 2.Create a multi-disciplinary blood management team to limit / eliminate allogeneic blood usage 3.Use more ultrafiltration, high level of evidence Decrease your prime volume; tailor ECC volumes to females 4.Autologous priming – highest level of evidence, embrace, do not make it optional 5.Allow hemodilution, tolerate lower Hct nadir to minimize blood usage while avoiding detrimental anemia 6.Expand use of platelet concentrate / gel services 7.Follow patients into ICU to collect data and interview bedside RNs D I F F I C U L T Y
Regarding the actions for change at home related to make clinical practice changes: 1.We’ve got this one figured out 2.Useful ideas that I will take home and work on 3.Have thought about doing some of these 4.Interesting ideas, but not for us
Author evidence-based clinical guidelines 1.Evaluate your patient’s preoperative risk scores 2.Flow charting of processes, use analysis and action planning for process improvement 3.Write your first evidence-based, consensus clinical procedure guideline 4.Create a library of clinical procedure guidelines to share 5.Relate quality indicator results to clinical procedure guidelines 6.Create international clearing house for E-B CPGs D I F F I C U L T Y
Regarding the actions for change at home related to author evidence-based clinical guidelines: 1.We’ve got this one figured out 2.Useful ideas that I will take home and work on 3.Have thought about doing some of these 4.Interesting ideas, but not for us
Leadership 1.Get involved in ICEBP group – perfusionists improving perfusion 2.Schedule regular perfusion team meetings 3.Select team champions for specific team duties 4.Build an extended support team for your perfusion service 5.Schedule regular meetings with administration 6.Expand the paradigm of what a CCP is at your facility 7.Look for opportunities to take on more responsibility: “Let me help you”
Regarding the actions for change at home related to leadership: 1.We’ve got this one figured out 2.Useful ideas that I will take home and work on 3.Have thought about doing some of these 4.Interesting ideas, but not for us
Which of the action item categories will you find the easiest to implement? 1.Perfusion science literature 2.Track your clinical results and outcomes 3.Use an error-reduction program to improve patient safety 4. Make clinical practice changes 5.Author evidence-based clinical procedure guidelines 6.Leadership
Which of the action item categories will you find the most difficult to implement? 1.Perfusion science literature 2.Track your clinical results and outcomes 3.Use an error-reduction program to improve patient safety 4. Make clinical practice changes 5.Author evidence-based clinical procedure guidelines 6.Leadership
The “Bringing it Home” Challenge 1.Go home 2.Meet with your team 3.Pick one of the action items from the lists 4.Research your choice 5.Start doing it 6.En route evaluation at two months 7.En route report to this audience via Internet
What is your reaction to the “Bringing it Home” challenge? 1.Steering committee is living a dream world 2.Interesting proposal but probably won’t happen 3.My team will start something but probably won’t have anything to report 4.My team is all in and will click in with a report
Thank you! See you in a few months