Wilson Reading System Substep 1.3 Lesson 2
Part 1 Sound Cards Quick Drill
a a apple /a/
e e Ed /e/
i i itch /i/
o o octopus /o/
u u up /u/
b b bat /b/
c c cat /k/
d d dog /d/
f f fun /f/
g g game /g/
h h hat /h/
j j jug /j/
k k kite /k/
l l lamp /l/
m m man /m/
n n nut /n/
p p pan /p/
r r rat /r/
s s snake /s/
t t top /t/
v v van /v/
w w wind /w/
x x fox /ks/
y y yellow /y/
z z zebra /z/
Chicken Letter qu Q is the chicken letter- it refuses to go anywhere without its friend, u. It is never in a word alone. The u in this situation has no vowel sound. Qu is a digraph as well.
digraphs Consonants ‘stick together’ to form one sound, even though there are two letters. That is why they are on one card. They are not separated.
th th thumb /th/
ch chin /ch/ ch
sh ship /sh/ sh
wh whistle /w/ wh
ck sock /k/ ck
Part 2 Teach and Review Concepts for Reading
Letters are blended to form words. Tapping Letters are blended to form words. m a t Say sounds separately, then blend them together. Tap thumb to finger over each sound card while saying the sound. Digraphs get one tap.
Part 3 Wordcards
dith nonsense word
poth nonsense word
quap nonsense word
yeb nonsense word
huz nonsense word
mip nonsense word
vash nonsense word
choz nonsense word
ret nonsense word
vin nonsense word
foz nonsense word
chib nonsense word
quim nonsense word
zeg nonsense word
wup nonsense word
Part 4 Wordlist Reading (get books)
Part 5 Sentence Reading
Ted got in the tub and had a bath
It is a cub on the path.
Mom got fish at the shop.
Tom got gum on the rug.
Jim can jog on the path.
Tim fed the cat six fish.
Ben let the dog on his bed.
Sid sat in the hot tub.
A big moth is in the pot.
Dad let Chet pack the bag.
The fox got the hen.
Rick had a bad cut on his lip.
The hen is in the shed.
Did the dog lick Ben on his neck?
Don dug a pit in the mud.
Did the dog wag and yap?
I wish to get that hat back.
Get the bug in the web.
Did Tom get the job at the sub shop?
Dad did not get much cash for the job.
Did the vet dip the dog in the tick bath?
Tom will chop the logs in the back of the hut.
Part 6 Quick Drill (in reverse – use Cookie Sheets)
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t u v w x y z qu r s t u v w x y z sh th ch wh ck
Part 7 Teach and Review Concepts for Spelling
c, k, ck all say /k/ At the end of a the word, after the short vowel, the ck should be used. Duck Muck Sock Luck Lick Tick Tock
Part 8 Written Work Dictation: sounds, words, sentences
Part 9 Controlled Passage Reading
Part 10 Listening Comprehension