Leaving A Legacy Jerry Ceres Scoutmaster
2 N Learning Objectives The purpose of this session is to: Provide you with an appreciation of leadership, empowerment, and lifelong learning. Inspire you to use leadership throughout your lives to “leave a legacy.” Review five traits of good leaders. Reveal clues that lead to the revelation of the Greatest Leadership Secret.
3 N “The Greatest Leadership Secret” Leadership - One Last Thing to Share … But not yet!
4 N Clue #1: It’s a palindrome - sort of The Greatest Leadership Secret
6 N Lead from the inside out. Clue #2: The Greatest Leadership Secret
7 N Great leaders are great teachers. Clue #3: The Greatest Leadership Secret
8 N Leading to Make a Difference Clue #3: Great Leaders are Great Teachers
9 N
10 N Great leaders are great teachers. Great leaders help others to think, to judge, to act, and to motivate. If you are not teaching while leading you are not doing your job. Great leaders develop other leaders. Clue #3: Great Leaders are Great Teachers
11 N Great scout leaders create an atmosphere where young people learn to lead their Scout units. Great leaders are great students. Great leaders learn from what they do. Clue #3: Great Leaders are Great Teachers
12 N Leading to Make a Difference Clue #3: Great Leaders are Great Teachers
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14 N Build heart connections. Clue #4: The Greatest Leadership Secret
15 N Genuine caring and respect for people People see through counterfeit respect and caring Management vs. Leadership Getting out of the way…to succeed Lead by caring Clue #4: Build Heart Connections
16 N It’s in every one of us. Clue #5: The Greatest Leadership Secret
17 N Take charge of your own life Accept responsibility for your own growth Empower those you lead Help them develop self-confidence Clue #5: It’s in Every One of Us
18 N Clue #6: The Greatest Leadership Secret Leave a legacy
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20 N Clue #6: Leave a Legacy Leadership can be studied and practiced. We can all win at this “Game of Life” We can all leave legacies that bring us satisfaction and pride.
21 N Clue #6: Leave a Legacy What will your legacy be? What impact will you have on others? How will you bring leadership to Scouting and to America?
22 N It’s a palindrome - sort of Contains five important attributes of leaders Lead from the inside out. Great leaders are great teachers. Build heart connections. It’s in every one of us. Leave a legacy. The Greatest Leadership Secret
23 N “What you do not want done to yourself, do not do unto others.” —Confucius, B.C. “What you hate, do not do to anyone.” —Judaism “Hurt not others that which pains thyself.” —Buddhism “The real way to get happiness is by giving out happiness to other people.” —Baden-Powell, “The Founder’s Last Message” The Greatest Leadership Secret
24 N “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” —The Golden Rule The Greatest Leadership Secret
25 N The Golden Rule Like a palindrome – it flows is both directions Encompasses five important attributes + It’s simple. It says it all. The Greatest Leadership Secret
26 N The Golden Rule in action “” “The Golden Rule is of no use to you whatever... unless you realize it is your move.” —Frank Crane, 1861–1928
27 N The purpose of this session is to: Provide you with an appreciation of leadership, empowerment, and lifelong learning. Inspire you to use leadership throughout your lives to “leave a legacy.” Review five traits of good leaders. Reveal clues that lead to the revelation of the Greatest Leadership Secret. Learning Objectives
28 N Thank You!