Transforming lives through learning Teaching Scotland’s Future: Legacy Event Career Long Professional Learning: Education Scotland Jayne Horsburgh and Celia McArthur, Development Officers – Teacher Education
Transforming lives through learning Today’s presentation will: Share detail as to the range of work which has been undertaken by Education Scotland’s Teacher Education Team linked to the continuum of teacher education
Transforming lives through learning Developments linked to the Early Phase Evidence of practice collated post HMI Inspections, 2014 Resources designed to support mentoring practices On-going work which contributes to CLPL including the leadership programme for aspiring Head Teachers – Flexible Route to Headship Career-long professional learning Strategies to impact upon the climate and culture within Scottish schools
Developments linked to the Early Phase Teach in Scotland Launched in January 2015 Brings together and develops practice from previous web resources Aims to provide support for people who are considering a career in teaching Helps to ‘raise the bar’ Helps to improve coherence; maximising the impact of students’ and teachers’ learning
Transforming lives through learning Developments linked to the Early Phase Local Authority / University Partnerships Recommendation 10 in the Teaching Scotland’s Future report: “Initial teacher education and induction should be planned as one overall experience. This will require strengthened partnership to underpin joint delivery.” Recommendation 15 in the Teaching Scotland’s Future report: “New and strengthened models of partnership among universities, local authorities, schools and individual teachers need to be developed. These partnerships should be based on jointly agreed principles and involve shared responsibility for key areas of teacher education.”
Transforming lives through learning Developments linked to the Early Phase Local Authority / University Partnerships Partnerships supported by innovation and creativity Hub-school model developed Joint appointments made, involving seconded staff Staff working more closely together Continued contact with students
Transforming lives through learning Recommendation 19 in the Teaching Scotland’s Future report: “Stronger quality assurance of the effectiveness of partnerships should be applied by GTCS through their accreditation procedures and HM Inspectors in their inspections of teacher education and schools. School inspections should include, where relevant, evaluations of the quality of the mentoring and assessment arrangements for students and newly-qualified teachers as well as of continuing professional development.”
Transforming lives through learning Inspection evidence Enhancing CLPL EstablishingTeacher learning Communities and learning blogs Working with universities Travelling to other schools to learn from / with colleagues Linking CLPL to improvement plan needs Engaging in focussed discussions about learning and teaching Participating in joint PL within the cluster Measuring the impact of PL opportunities on improving learning and achievement Developing a blended approach to CLPL which encourages personal responsibility Undertaking informal classroom observations of peers Working towards and achieving GTCS recognition Encouraging and enabling non promoted staff to lead ‘professional dialogue’ groups Enhancing leadership Encouraging staff to take on leadership roles Fostering and utilising staff’s skills and expertise Developing critical self-evaluation skills through peer review work Promoting distributive leadership and systematic staff development in leadership Encouraging by example Fostering an ethos of leadership at all levels Mentoring to enable teachers to secure a positive start to their careers Establishing learning communities which provide job coaching Promoting strategic vision and encouraging participation
Transforming lives through learning Inspection evidence Enhancing Early Phase Establishing strong links with universities Ensuring high quality mentoring for NQTs and students Linking local authority programmes with Ensuring a comprehensive approach to the provision of PL in schools, which includes a detailed induction programme for new staff teaching practice / experience Supporting NQTs and encouraging them to take responsibility for leading aspects of the work of the school Providing mentoring which is supportive but challenging Engagement with Standards/PRDPU Revising PRD to take account of PU developments Enabling staff to feel confident in processes of self- evaluation, including preparation for PRD and self- evaluation against the standards Providing quality support for PRD, particularly for support staff Linking PRD to development opportunities Encouraging teachers to be critically reflective practitioners, who use the system of Professional Update and the GTCS Standards to support them in their career-long professional learning
Transforming lives through learning “ …long-term and sustained improvement which has a real impact on the quality of children’s learning will be better achieved through determined efforts to build the capacity of teachers themselves to take responsibility for their own professional development ” ( Ch 6, Donaldson, 2011) CPDCPD MyCLPL professional development Better learning for young people my My job satisfaction
Transforming lives through learning TSF REC 46 A clear progressive educational leadership pathway should be developed which embodies the responsibility of all leaders to build the professional capacity of staff and ensure a positive impact on young peoples learning …………… 1.Self-evaluate against the appropriate standards ( GTC standards / PRD guidelines ) 2.Set professional target/s ( PRD&CLPL guidelines /My GTC) 3.Develop Personal Learning plan (PRD&CLPL guidelines /FEL/ My GTC) 4.Undertake appropriate activity to develop professional learning ( Mentoring Matters/PL model / My GTC) 5.Reflect on impact (CLPLguidelines /My GTC/e-portfolio 5a Every 5 years undertake professional update (PU)
Transforming lives through learning NQT Middle Leader ITE Pedagogical Leader School Leader System – Leader Career - Long Professional Learning FRH
Transforming lives through learning The Model of Professional Learning Reflection on/in practice: where, through professional learning, practitioners are curious about and critically explore practice. Experiential learning: learning through structured activities to question, try out and enhance practice. Cognitive development: developing ideas to challenge assumptions and deepen understanding of practice. Collaborative learning: learning with and through others to enhance practice.
Transforming lives through learning Mentoring Matters /mentoringmatters/index.asp “ All teachers should see themselves as teacher educators and should be trained in mentoring “ (Rec 39)
Transforming lives through learning Professional Learning essionallearning/jayhelbert.asp Jay Helbert’ Headteacher, Ardrishaig Primary School
Transforming lives through learning
Transforming lives through learning Today’s workshop will : Seek the perceptions of participants regarding the impact of national developments on local authorities and schools, universities and third-sector organisations r Provide opportunity for further discussion regarding on-going work Providing
Transforming lives through learning 1. Early Phase It important to get things right in the early phase of teachers’ professional learning. What has been your involvement in developing practice and bringing about improvement in the early phase of teachers’ professional learning? Are there success stories here?
Transforming lives through learning 2. Career-long Professional Learning What have been the achievements and challenges across the system in bringing about a culture shift related to Career-long Professional Learning? How would this culture shift be observed or felt? Within your organisation and across partnerships what remains to be done?
Transforming lives through learning 3. Partnership working Are there practical examples you can think of where partnership working has led to improvements? What work do you think still requires to be done? What will you take forward as a result of today?
Transforming lives through learning CLPL What work do you think still requires to be done? What will you now take forward as a result of today? What might Education Scotland do to support you ?