Head Boy / Girl and Deputy Head Boy / Girl Heads of Council College Leader Team College Leader Team College Leader Team College Leader Team College Leader Team College Leader Team Leadership Academy Any student involved more informally in projects or leadership opportunities Whole-school Council Teams and Sixth Form Executive
School Council Teams Teaching and Learning 6 th form School Council Head Global Dimensions / Campaigns (e.g. Road safety) 6 th form School Council Head Media 6 th form School Council Head Environment and Maintenance 6 th form School Council Head Quiz 6 th form School Council Head Healthy Lifestyles / Sport 6 th form School Council Head Opportunity for further councils subject to demand / need
Heads of School Council - Recruitment and retention Heads of School Council will all be Sixth Form students Former Heads of Council (previous year) can, where possible stay on to assist a new Heads of Council and share prior planning Each Council has two Heads of Council: 1)Chair 2)Administrative Heads of Council may be College Leaders as well as Heads of Council. However, this will be taken into account when looking at the number and caliber of people applying. It will be important to be fair, giving as many people the opportunity to lead as possible Year 12 and Year 13 are welcome to apply. There will be no quota. However, Year 13 who have not previous held posts, may, in some instances be given priority where a Year 12 may have opportunities in the future It will, in some instances be necessary for a Head of Council to leave their post by mutual arrangement with the school, depending on circumstances. In this instances, another Head of Council will be recruited based on previous applications / desire to lead
Application for post of Head of School Council Up to 1 side of A4, handed in to the Headteacher’s PA, based on you, your interests, your ideas for the school going-forwards, and why you want to lead a whole-school council. Other than that, it’s a blank canvas to let us know how you’d make an impact by taking on the role. Please include at least one member of staff who will be willing to provide a reference for you (not dissimilar to a job reference). There are 6 School Councils at present. However, applications may inform this structure going forward. For example, there may become a 7 th or 8 th Council, or some may be amalgamated, changed. In this way, the students drive the councils, rather than the other way around. School Councils will meet during Monday lunchtimes, so your availability for these will be an important factor. If you are heavily involved in other activities, you will have to make careful decisions about what you’re capable of taking on.
Here are some tips for what are seen as particularly desirable qualities in a Head of School Council, which you may wish to exemplify in your application. These are not exhaustive, and you will bring your own interpretation of what is required to the application process Chair: Reliability, consistency, enthusiasm, resilience, communication skills, ability to engage others, mediation and influencing skills Administrative: Reliability, Communication, note taking / typing up skills, personal organisation, record keeping, logistics
Roles and information about each of the Councils as they currently stand…
“Head Boy / Head Girl ” Leading across the school Ensuring a fair deal for all Colleges Monitor School Councils Encourage the sharing of good practice across Colleges Ambassador roles inside and outside school Student voice Assist in developing school systems (e.g. bulletins / Facebook communication, e- learning) Sixth Form 4 students (Head / Deputies) – GB recruit and manage
Sixth Form Executive Leading across the Sixth Form Development of distinctive style and ethos of the Sixth Form All other direct Sixth Form events and activities Oversee any sub-committees / action groups Teaching and Learning in Sixth Form Approx. 6 – 8 students
Timescales for recruitment of posts May: Head students June: Sixth Form Exec October 1st: College Leaders October 1st: Heads of School Council October 14 th : Councils actively running / recruiting
Environment and Maintenance Examples Litter improvement Toilet improvement Health and Safety on, and surrounding the site Improvement of work spaces Management of movement and Congregation of students during social times
Quiz Develop weekly quiz Consult and include lower school ideas (tutor group by tutor group?)
Healthy Lifestyles / Sport Examples PE / Sport – student voice Event support – Suffolk School Games / Coaching / supporting festivals Sixth Form Health Conference Recruitment / promotion of sport and active lifestyle opportunities Monitoring of numbers involved in active lifestyles activities
Teaching and Learning Examples Development of resources (e.g. video tutorials) Identifying and sharing good practice across teaching staff Assisting with staff interviews Student voice
Global Dimensions / Social Campaigns Examples International links Road safety, World Peace Day etc. Campaigns (e.g. Kurdish Genocide, Rwanda legacy / awareness) Raising international awareness (e.g. religions, ethnicity, human rights issues, social justice etc.) “Media Watch”
Media and Press Examples Photography / video of events Collation for Celebrate magazine Video support for other school councils Press relations / stories Student twitter (through official channels) Press liaison / support