NHCFAE Conference VIP Panel Discussion July 28, 2015 Teri Bristol Chief Operating Officer Air Traffic Organization
Leadership & Career Development Partnership LCD Background Formed in 2011, NHCFAE is a charter member Reinforces value of “NAS First, People Always” Partnership works closely with ATO senior leadership and program offices LCD Recommendations Performance Management Selection Employee Development Career Planning Succession Planning LCD Accomplishments in FY15 Recommitted to partnering agreement with ATO senior leadership Developed updated talent management recommendations Actively promoted adoption of the ATO Succession and Career Planning Programs Championed improvements to performance planning to support diversity/inclusion ATO Senior Leadership LCD Members ATO Program Offices Collaborative Partnership
Leadership & Career Development Partnership Program Accomplishments in FY15 9645 Career Plans built on myATOcareer.faa.gov Deployment of Supervisors Development Initiative (SDI) Deployment of Succeeding in Your First Year (SYFY) National deployment model for Technical Operations Leadership Development Program (TOLDP) National deployment model for Air Traffic Leadership Development Program (ATLDP) 50 participants in the ATO Succession Planning Program Program Goals for FY16 Transform performance management culture and practices Use industry and federal government best practices that support merit principles for ATO selections Expand use of Succession/Career Planning and Employee Development programs
ATO Demographics Race, National Origin Categories Comparison Gender CLF White 77% 72% Black 9% 12% Hispanic 7.63% 10% Asian 4% 4% AIAN 1% 1% TWO+ 1% 0.54% NHPI 0.41% 0.14% Source: FFPS Datamart, Office of Civil Rights, FY2015, Q2 AIAN: American Indian/Alaska Native NHPI: Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander TWO+: Two or more races CLF: Civilian Labor Force (2010) Gender CLF Hispanic 2,422 employees 31,754 employees ATO Male 6% 80% 52% 6% 1,919 employees 25,501 employees Female 1.6% 20% 48% 503 employees 6,253 employees
ATO Hiring Overview and Forecast FY 2015 Hiring Projections: As of June 17, 2015, ATO hired 1,053 controllers with a goal of 1,772 controllers for FY15. FY 2016 Hiring Projections: ATO plans to hire 1,503 controllers. Technical Operations plans to hire approximately 450 positions to reach its goal of having 5,979 employees in its technical workforce. This includes 2101, 856, 802 and 334 series. In addition to controllers and technicians, ATO plans to fill 1157 positions. 2152s 2101/856s Non-Safety 1,772 401 153
ATO Outreach and Recruitment Priorities Outreach and Recruitment Vehicles: LCD Partnership Virtual Career Fairs Human Resources Partnership NHCFAE and Local Hispanic Communities STEM Programs Controllers Technicians Qualified Candidate Pool supplemented with PWTD and Veterans Non-Safety
Barrier Analysis
Partnering with NHCFAE
A Proud Legacy of Hispanic Leadership Elwood R. “Pete” Quesada Michael P. Huerta