London District Catholic School Board Research Project Guidelines ●●May 2013●● for Intermediate and Senior Students
Discuss the political, social and economic causes of the War of 1812 TOPIC
Do you understand the assignment? If Not Ask your teacher for help Ask your librarian for help Perfect! If You Do…
Now that you understand the assignment, LET’S BEGIN The RESEARCH PROCESS
What do I already know about the topic?
Narrow down the topic if necessary
What are the KEYWORDS I will need to research the topic?
Discuss the political, social and economic causes of the War of 1812 KEYWORDS War of 1812 political causes social causes Discuss the political, social and economic causes of the War of 1812 economic causes
Where Can You Find Resources? Library Catalogue Digital Resources The Internet The library’s reference section Browse the library shelves Ask an expert Try the public library Ask your librarian Magazines & Newspapers
Good Research Includes Accessing A Variety of InformationVariety Move Beyond Google Try Using Different Resources Be Open to New Ideas Surfing the Web is NOT the same as searching for information
Your Resources Should Be
A Credible Source is one that is Deserving of Belief How can you tell if a source is Credible? 1. Is the author an expert on the topic? 2. Is the author affiliated with an institution of higher learning? 3. Is the publisher affiliated with a university, college or other research institution?
A Relevant Source is one that contains information directly related to your topic. A Relevant Source will help you answer the specific questions associated with your topic.
A Reliable Source is one that contains information that is 1. Accurate 2. Honest 3.Without Bias or Opinion 4.Representative of a full range of views
A Current Source is one that is Up to Date Some topics require information that is very current while others do not demand as much currency.
Always check your information by using more than one source. If the same information is found is several sources, it is more likely to be “good information.”
Always Respect the Work of Others Cite Your Sources 1. Include Footnotes or Endnotes 2. Include a Works Cited page at the end of your assignment 3. Use copyright-free resources for pictures, maps, sound-bites, etc. Many of the LDCSB digital resources contain copyright-free materials.
Thorough Research is the key to better work & better grades.