Prophetic Overview Old TestamentKingdomTribulation Church Age Eternal State Rev 2,3Rev 20Rev Rev Great White Throne Judgment 2 nd Coming Rapture
The things that will be hereafter (Judgments from heaven/wrath of God) 1 st half of Tribulation2 nd half – Great Tribulation Seal Judgments Rapture 4:1 Trumpet Judgments Bowl (Vial) Judgments Mid-Point 2 nd Coming Ch 19
5 Informational Breaks 1.(Rev 7) - 144,000 Jews & innumerable Gentiles converted 2.(Rev 10:1-11:14) - Angelic announcement, 2 witnesses 3.(Rev 12-14) - Israel's flight, two beasts, 6 scenes of hope 4.(Rev 16:13-16) - Gathering of nations to Armageddon 5.(Rev 17:1-19:6) - Destruction of Babylon, heaven rejoices These breaks in the moving chronology provide information on what is happening during the seal, trumpet and bowl judgments. They are a parenthetical break in the chronology. For example, chap 7 provides information on the activity of chap 6.
The things that will be hereafter (Judgments from heaven/wrath of God) 1 st half of Tribulation2 nd half – Great Tribulation Seal Judgments Rapture 4:1 Trumpet Judgments Bowl (Vial) Judgments Mid-Point 2 nd Coming Ch 19 1 st break 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th