1 Background & Overview Of Isaiah Background & Overview Of Isaiah I. Background II. Structure & Content III. Meaning & Application III. Meaning & Application.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Background & Overview Of Isaiah Background & Overview Of Isaiah I. Background II. Structure & Content III. Meaning & Application III. Meaning & Application

Authorship (1.1) Isaiah, the Prophet Traditional View: Isaianic Authorship (1.1) Modern Critical View  Proto-Isaiah (1-39)  Deutero-Isaiah (40-55)  Trito-Isaiah (56-66) Objections to the Modern Critical View  Isaiah’s Superscriptions (2:1; 7:3; 13:1; 20:2; 37:2,6,21; 38:1,4,21; 39:3,5,8)  Denial of Supernatural Character of Prophesy  The Analogy of Scripture (Mat. 12:17-21; Rom. 10:16, 20; John 12:38-41)

Vassal King and Nation Israelite King and Nation Yahweh as Emperor Benevolence Loyalty Blessings Curses Prophets as Diplomats Covenant Dynamics (1.2)

Vassal King and Nation Israelite King and Nation Yahweh as Emperor Benevolence Loyalty Blessings Curses Prophets as Diplomats Covenant Benevolence (1.2) Covenant Benevolence (1.3) Divine Benevolence Great promises to the patriarchs (29:22, 41:8, 51:2); he had brought the nation out of Egypt (52:4ff), given them his law (42:21,24; 51:7); he had been patient with them as they broke his law time and again (7:13, 5:24, 42:24); God had ordained Jerusalem as the place of his throne (24:23; 31:9; 52:2) and he had established David as Israel’s permanent dynasty (9:7, 16:5).

Vassal King and Nation Israelite King and Nation Yahweh as Emperor Benevolence Loyalty Blessings Curses Prophets as Diplomats Covenant Loyalty (1.4) Human Loyalty Accused various segments of the nation of violating their moral responsibilities. The north had turned away from God (7:9, 9:9-10) and the south had done the same (1:4, 21; 3:8). The priests had offered false worship (28:7); the political leaders had failed to fulfill their roles (3:14; 9:14-15). The house of David rebelled against God (1:23).

Vassal King and Nation Israelite King and Nation Yahweh as Emperor Benevolence Loyalty Blessings Curses Prophets as Diplomats Covenant Curses (1.5)  Curses Variety of curses in nature and warfare (2:5-4:1); curse of exile (5:1-7, 7 13)

Vassal King and Nation Israelite King and Nation Yahweh as Emperor Benevolence Loyalty Blessings Curses Prophets as Diplomats Covenant Blessings (1.6) Blessings Deliverance on a number of occasions such as 4:2-6; 11:1-12:6; 27:1- 17; 49:8-50:3; 61:1-11. He assured God’s people in Judah that they would be spared utter defeat by the Assyrians (37:1-5). He announced that Hezekiah would be healed (38:1-8). Isaiah also announced judgments on the enemies of God’s people which were in effect a way of blessing the people of God. For instance, he pronounced woes over Assyria, Philistia, Moab, Damascus, Ethiopia and Egypt in 14:24-19:17. As important as these blessings were to Isaiah, by and large he gave a lot of attention to the greatest blessing of all: the unprecedented blessings that would come to Israel when God would restore his people after exile. Time and again, he focused on this future event as a time of magnificent blessings for the people of God. The throne of David would be restored and glorified (9:6-7; 11:10; 16:5). The temple would be restored and glorified (2:2; 66:20). The exiles would return (11:12; 27:13; 35:1-10; 51:11; 61:1- 11). In fact, nature will be renewed to such an extent after exile ends that Isaiah called the condition of restoration the “new heavens and new earth” in Isaiah 65:

Isaiah’s Circumstances (1.7)  Isaiah 1:1: the prophet’s public ministry took place during the reigns of: Uzziah (792–740 B.C.), Jotham (750–731 B.C.), Ahaz (735–715 B.C.) and Hezekiah (715–686 B.C.).  Early Assyrian Judgment: During the eighth century B.C., Assyria rose to dominance in the ancient Near East. Judgment came against northern Israel from Assyria in 740–734 B.C. (6:1)  Syrian-Israelite Coalition: (734–732 B.C.) Chpts. 7-8; Isaiah warned Ahaz to trust the Lord, but he did not.  Destruction of Samaria: (722 B.C.) Chpts.7-8 Isaiah warned that God was going to destroy Samaria the capital of Israel through Assyrian invasion.  Invasion of Judah and Jerusalem’s Siege: (705–701B.C.) Sennacherib (705–681 B.C.) destroyed much of Judah and laid siege to Jerusalem (36:1-37:38).  Babylonian Judgment and Restoration: (586–539 B.C.) In Isaiah’s future. (39:1-7; 40-66) T I M E L I N E

Purpose of Book (1.8)  Date of Writing: (37:37-38) Ascension of Esarhaddon (681 B.C.).  Early Assyrian Judgment: During the eighth century B.C., Assyria rose to dominance in the ancient Near East. Judgment came against northern Israel from Assyria in 740–734 B.C. (6:1)  Fulfillments: e.g. 7:8-9 (spoken 734; fulfilled 722); To establish credibility for predictions not fulfilled (exile of Judah and restoration of Israel and Judah)  Goal: 1-6 to shock with overall picture, 7-39 to establish credibility; 39:37-39 Babylonian exile is coming; restoration is coming.  Summary: To encourage the prophet’s contemporaries  To be loyal to the Lord and to exhort future readers in exile to repent of sin and trust the Lord to bring the faithful remnant of Israel and other nations to unprecedented blessings after the exile. of Israel and Judah after the punishment of exile. P U R P O S E

Comparative Outlines (1.9) Pratt 1:1 Superscription 1:2-6:13 Message of Judah’s Judgment and Restoration 7:1-39:8 Response to Assyrian Judgment 40:1-66:24 Response to Babylonian Judgment Motyer 1-37 Book of the King Book of the Servant Book of the Anointed Conqueror Clements 1:1-31 Introduction 2:1-12:6 Concerning Judah and Jerusalem Against Foreign Nations Apocalypse of Isaiah Concerning Judah Judgment and Salvation Isaiah Narratives

The Big Picture of Content (1.10) 1:1 Superscription I. 1:2-6:13 Message of Judah’s Judgment and Restoration A. Judgment and Restoration to Righteousness and Justice (1:2—2:5) B. Judgment and Restoration on That Day (2:6—4:6) C. Judgment Leading to Restoration (5:1—6:13) II. 7:1-39:8 Response to the Assyrian Judgment A. The Syrian-Israelite Coalition (7:1—12:6) B. International Upheaval During the Assyrian Judgment (13:1—27:13) C. Sennacherib’s Invasion (28:1—39:8) IV. 40:1-66:24 Response to the Babylonian Judgment A. Isaiah’s Call to Proclaim Restoration (40:1–11) B. God’s Power to Restore His People (40:12—44:23) C. God’s Instruments of His Sure Salvation (44:24—55:13) D. Israel’s Sin, Repentance and Restoration (56:1—66:24)

Meaning and Application (A) (1.11) 1:1 Superscription I.1:2-6:13 Message of Judah’s Judgment and Restoration Original Meaning Inauguration Continuation Consummation

Meaning and Application (B) (1.12) II. 7:1-39:8 Response to the Assyrian Judgment Original Meaning Inauguration Continuation Consummation

Meaning and Application (C) (1.13) IV. 40:1-66:24 Response to the Babylonian Judgment Original Meaning Inauguration Continuation Consummation