Selection and formulation of a research problem Lang, G. & Heiss, G.D. A practical guide to research methods, 4 th ed., 1991
Self-introduction 1 葉育亘 任維廉教授實驗室 碩一 Motto: 健康是唯一準則
Outline 1.Sources for ideas to find a research problem 2.Criteria for selecting a research problem 3.Delimiting the research problem 4.Research and value judgments 5.Appendix B 2 交大運管所碩一 葉育亘
Sources for ideas (1/2) A good starting point when shopping for an idea is your own experience and your own observations. Experience + Observation + Needs + Interest = Research 3 交大運管所碩一 葉育亘
Sources for ideas (2/2) 1.Magazines 2.Convention Programs 3.Replication 4 交大運管所碩一 葉育亘
Criteria(1/2) 1.Sustained motivation 2.Adequate training and personal predilections 3.Feasibility 4.Importance to your profession 5 交大運管所碩一 葉育亘
Criteria(2/2) 1.Is it right in light of your training and personal preferences? 2.Is it feasible for you? 3.Is it important to your profession? 6 交大運管所碩一 葉育亘
Delimiting(1/2) 1.Read extensively in the literature related to your field of interest 2.Seek assistance from your instructor 3.Difference: Delimitations :用在界定研究範圍方面,透過研 究者深思熟慮的排除部份在研究範圍之外 Limitations :用在研究結果使用上的限制 7 交大運管所碩一 葉育亘
Delimiting(2/2) Categories of delimitations: 1.The number of observations 2.Time and geographic location 3.The selection of sources →It is helpful to narrow down the topic by telling what the study is not. 8
Research and value judgments 1.The selection of a problem 2.The selection of methods 3.The interpretation of data 4.The reporting of findings 5.Concern for the application of findings 9 交大運管所碩一 葉育亘
Appendix B 1.Title 2.Problem-Introduction 3.Related Research 4.Operational Definitions 5.Assumptions-Delimitations 6.Hypothesis(es) or Question (s) 7.Method : subjects, techniques, research steps, data analysis 8.Results, Conclusions, Generalizations, Implications, Limitations, Suggestions 9.References or Bibliography Format of the Proposal for a Research Project 10 交大運管所碩一 葉育亘