Business Mgt.: Thursday 8.15 Reminders Turn in signed syllabus sheet Observational Assessments start today! On PLC schedule still today Today’s Agenda 3 Truths & 1 Lie DocuShare PowerPoint: About Me Presentation Reading Assignment Book Check Out
Business Mgt: Friday 8.16 Reminders Turn in signed syllabus sheet Observational Assessments this week! On PLC schedule still today Today’s Agenda 3 Truths & 1 Lie Review Observational Assessment Vocab Check – Ch. 7 Lecture/Discussion - Ch. 7 Sharktank…Maybe
Ch. 7 Notes: Types of Business Ownership Before we can learn how to manage a business we need to understand the different types of businesses. What are they? Sole Proprietorship Partnerships Corporation C / S / Nonprofit / LLC
Ch. 7 Notes: Types of Business Ownership Sole Proprietorship Examples? Definition: A business that is owned an operated by one person Accounts for nearly 76% of all businesses Easy to create Owner receives profits but liable for debts
Ch. 7 Notes: Types of Business Ownership Sole Proprietorship Advantages Easy to create Complete Authority – One voice No Business Taxes Least Govt. Regulated
Ch. 7 Notes: Types of Business Ownership Sole Proprietorship Disadvantages FINANCIAL Unlimited liability for the owner What dose that mean? Full Responsibility – Personal Assets at Risk Reliant on Skills of the Owner Owner Death Dissolves the Business Will
Ch. 7 Notes: Types of Business Ownership Partnership Examples? Definition: A business that is owned an operated by two or more people - Unincorporated General and Limited Partnerships General – Unlimited Personal Liability - Manage Limited – Limited Liability to Amount Invested – Not Involved in Managing
Ch. 7 Notes: Types of Business Ownership Partnership Advantages Easy to create Complete Authority Amongst Partners – Multiple Voices Sharing of Ideas, Skills, and Knowledge
Ch. 7 Notes: Types of Business Ownership Partnership Disadvantages Difficult to Dissolve Partnership w/o Ending Business Personality Conflicts / Disagreements Laws of Agency – Each Partner is Liable for the Other
Ch. 7 Notes: Types of Business Ownership Corporation Examples? Definition: Registered by a state and operates apart from its owners. Lives on After Ownership Leave or Die Ownership Equity = Stocks Purchase Goods / Sue and be Sued
Ch. 7 Notes: Types of Business Ownership C-Corporation Definition: Pays taxes on earnings along with share holders. Most common corporation and it protects the owner’s liability Shareholders Owners of Stock Majority Stock Holders Make Decisions Board of Directors Required Makes Decisions
Ch. 7 Notes: Types of Business Ownership C-Corporation Advantages Limited Liability Ability to Raise Capitol Longevity Tax Advantages Status Professionals
Ch. 7 Notes: Types of Business Ownership C-Corporation Disadvantages Expensive to Create Heavily Taxed Double Taxation on Earnings – Business and Shareholders Profits and Dividends
Ch. 7 Notes: Types of Business Ownership S-Corporation Definition: Corporation that is taxed like a partnership Advantages Profits Taxed Once Disadvantages Limited Stockholders (75 US Citizens) One Class of Stock If Profits Don’t Cover Taxes, Owners Must Cover Difference
Ch. 7 Notes: Types of Business Ownership Nonprofit Corporation Definition: Makes money for reasons other than the owner’s profit Benefit a cause Profits can be made but must remain within the company
Ch. 7 Notes: Types of Business Ownership LLC Definition: Limited liability by owners. Similar to combination of corporation and limited partnership Easier to Establish Compared to a Corporation Flexibility of Partnership Structure Not Liable for Company Debts Profits taxed Personally Not Limited to 75 Members Example – Law Firms
Business Mgt: Monday 8.19 Reminders Turn in signed syllabus sheet Ch. 7 Vocab √ Observational Assessments start today! Back to Normal Schedule Today’s Agenda 3 Truths & 1 Lie Review of Friday’s Notes Begin: The Corporation Handout
Business Mgt: Tuesday 8.20 Reminders Ch. 7 Vocab √ Observational Assessments This Week! PLC Schedule Today Today’s Agenda 3 Truths & 1 Lie Continue: The Corporation Handout
Business Mgt: Wednesday 8.21 Reminders Ch. 7 Vocab √ Observational Assessments This Week! Normal Schedule Hand in: The Corporation Worksheet & 1-2 Page Reflection Today’s Agenda 3 Truths & 1 Lie Discuss Reflections on The Corporation Corporation Research Project Reading/Assignment Ch. 24 Vocab Pg. 567
Corporation Research Project Working on Your Own: Provide Your Definition of Ethics Use the Internet to Research Corporations 5 Total Corporations Needed Identify an Unethical Act by the Corporation Provide Link – News paper, Web Site, etc. Was the Act Also Illegal? Why Do You Believe The Corporation Acted as it Did How Would You Have Acted Differently Would Your Actions Have Impacted Share Holders Negatively?
Business Mgt: Thursday 8.22 Reminders Ch. 24 Vocab √ Observational Assessments This Week! Hand in: The Corporation Worksheet & 1-2 Page Reflection Upload Ethics Research to DocuShare Today’s Agenda 3 Truths & 1 Lie Discuss Reflections on The Corporation Ch. 24 Notes and Class Discussion Reading/Assignment Quiz Tomorrow Shark Tank - Maybe
Ch. 24 Notes: Social Responsibility and Ethics What does Social Responsibility mean to you? Social Responsibility Principle that companies should contribute to the welfare of society and not be devoted solely to profits Contract with society Benefits?
Ch. 24 Notes: Social Responsibility and Ethics What is a Business’s Responsibility to: Customers and Employees? Environment EPA – Environmental Protection Agency Formed in 1970 Independent Federal Agency Coordinate programs Enforce regulations Reduce Pollution and Protect the Environment
Ch. 24 Notes: Social Responsibility and Ethics How can a Business generate higher profits by operating in an environmentally friendly manner? Can this be a negative to consumers?
Ch. 24 Notes: Social Responsibility and Ethics Ethics Your Definitions? Definition: Guidelines for Human Behavior Moral Code by which People Live and Conduct Business
Ch. 24 Notes: Social Responsibility and Ethics Business Ethics Are these different than Your Own Personal Ethics? How So? Study of Behavior and Morals in Business Situations Begin at the Top How Does a Owner or Boss’s Ethics impact the ethics and Behaviors of the Employees? Does the Size of a Company Impact it’s Ethics?
Ch. 24 Notes: Social Responsibility and Ethics Code of Ethics A Group of Ethical Behavior Guidelines that Govern the Day-to-Day Activities of a Profession or Organization Examples? Can Protect a Business Legally Show’s the Business Does Not Condone Illegal Actions Long Term Benefits
Ch. 24 Notes: Social Responsibility and Ethics Code of Ethics Written or Unwritten Creating a Code of Ethics Brainstorm Ethical Dilemmas Discuss Potential Solutions Write General Guidelines Improve Code
Ch. 24 Notes: Social Responsibility and Ethics Conflict of Interest Clash Between a Person's Private Interests and His or Her Responsibilities in a Position of Trust Have You Heard of This?...Examples? Cultural Differences Important to Understand the Ethical Expectations of that Country’s Culture
Business Mgt: Friday 8.23 Reminders Ch. 7 & 24 Vocab √ Observational Assessments This Week! Hand in: The Corporation Worksheet & 1-2 Page Reflection Upload Ethics Research to DocuShare Today’s Agenda 3 Truths & 1 Lie QUIZ!!! Start With Video Clip Finish - Shark Tank
Business Mgt: Monday 8.26 Reminders Ch. 7 & 24 Vocab √ Hand in: The Corporation Worksheet & 1-2 Page Reflection Upload Ethics Research to DocuShare Today’s Agenda 3 Truths & 1 Lie Read Ch. 14 Vocab Self Check #1-3 Pg. 346 Think #4 Pg. 346 2 Pg. Reflection Paper Pg. 350 #12
Business Mgt: Tuesday 8.27 Reminders Ch. 14 Vocab √ After Lunch Hand in: Self Check #1-3 Pg. 346 Think #4 Pg. 346 2 Pg. Reflection Paper Pg. 350 #12 Today’s Agenda 3 Truths & 1 Lie Undercover Boss Handout Tomorrow Review Quiz Ch.14 Notes / Discussion