Annual General Meeting Home Owners Association Tuesday, October 30th, 2012
Today’s Agenda 1. Meet the Directors 2. President’s Update 3. Highlights for Fedex and Neighborhood Updates – Financial Report 6. Proposed 2013 Budget 7. Nominations and Elections of Board Positions 8. Question and Answers
Meet the Directors Brad Halbach Shylleza Vasisht Chadd Merrigan Anna Martca Ashish Arora – (Interim Director)
What is the HOA? The Woodbridge HOA is the organization joined by you as a condition of purchasing a home in the Woodbridge neighborhood. If you are a renter, your landlord is a member of the HOA. The HOA exists to preserve the condition of the shared resources of the neighborhood, which include, to a limited extent, the condition of visible items on privately-owned property. There are other HOAs in the neighborhood as well, serving townhome owners. The Woodbridge Homeowners Organization has no relationship with these companies and we receive separate dues payments. The townhome owners receive services such as landscaping and repair, which are done on their properties, and therefore have a closer and more costly relationship with their townhome-specific association.
What does the HOA do? First and foremost, the HOA arranges for landscaping services, water and electric connections, and public facility repair and upkeep such as playground equipment and signage. Second, the HOA enforces the limited rules regarding private property use that are stated in the "C, C, and Rs" that you agreed to upon purchasing your property, plus any additional rules that have been voted into existence by the HOA through the years. Third, the HOA often, but at their discretion, hosts social events such as the Fourth of July event, forms action committees to tackle common challenges, and installs new improvements on shared neighborhood property.
What do the HOA directors do? To accomplish the above things in a fair and effective manner, and to ensure adaptation to changing needs, the directors meet monthly to discuss developments, vote on new actions or policies, and divide responsibilities for needed actions among themselves. Except in special cases when even more volunteers are needed, the directors act as volunteers of first resort. Each winter, the directors arrange the mailing of dues notices and follow up on payment collections. In the spring, landscaping needs are evaluated and services negotiated with a landscaping company. In the summer months, the Fourth of July event is arranged, and enforcement of property upkeep is performed. In the fall, budget plans are re- evaluated and presented at the Annual General Meeting. Also in the fall, the board runs elections of new board members to replace those whose 3-year terms have expired, as appropriate.
Where do I fit in? We are all part of the HOA, and we all need to participate in setting a smart and sustainable course for the neighborhood, if not by direct voting as an HOA director, then at least by participation in board elections by voting for and nominating candidates that you feel would pursue the right actions. All owners are eligible to join the board if elected. In addition, volunteers are occasionally needed for seeing the HOA activities to conclusion, and your participation is encouraged.
What do I need to know? Not really that much. Add a bookmark to and everything you need is right there: announcements, community rules, a route to join the Google discussion group, the list of current directors, meeting minutes, and other Woodbridge- scoped information. But really. What do you need to know? Know your neighbors! Keep them in mind. Ask what's new. Invite them over for a playdate. The success of the neighborhood will be a no-brainer if we're all keeping cohesive and sharing what we know.
President’s Update We are planning to finally move forward with 3 rd party company to conduct enforcement next year. Deploying a sign at narrow circle near park Plan on re-barking the neighborhood next year. Homes continue to increase in value and over 16 homes have sold this YTD
Highlights and Updates for 2012 4 th of July – Great turn out and great weather Completed Projects Swing Installation in Phase 2 Received $5000 city grant funds towards project Drainage upgrades in a few park areas
Fedex agreements: Fedex/SunCap All trucks exit to north Sound wall, berm, vegetation Designated contact In building permit City Traffic, parks, land use studies Citizens Advisory Committee Code enforcement Taylor Prior notification Community meetings Cadman Woodbridge Genie
Acknowledgements Participants 100 residents submitted comments 120 residents signed appeal Projects team: Howard Hillinger Manish Garg Mohit Datta Anna Martca Attorney: Jay Derr Contributors: Woodbridge HOA Nancy Barevics Zaffer Lalji Changming Ma Fuyu Liu Howard & Pam Hillinger Manish Garg Mohit & Shika Datta
Future Projects: Remainder of UHCC Residential north of park Genie redevelopment? South half of Cadman SE Redmond Neighborhood Plan First meeting Nov 6th UHCC Taylor Future Development Cadman Future Development Cadman Woodbridge Genie lease with Taylor expires 2016 Taylor Future residential Development Park County maintenance base Future traffic signal Future 73 rd street Future trail
YTD Income & Acct. Balances
2012 Expenses …Continued
Annual Dues for 2013 Single Family Dues $475 Town Home Dues $285
2013 Budget Income INCOME Annual Dues Town Homes$18,810 Single Family Homes$133,000 TOTAL Annual Dues$151,810 Other Inc$0 CD Interest$300 Escrow Fees$2,400 TOTAL Other Inc$2,700 TOTAL INCOME$154,510
EXPENSES Administrative Social - Events Bank Fees$120 Annual Meeting$500 Insurance$4,000 July 4th$2,000 Legal Fees$1,000 Other Events$1,000 Postage - Mailings$500 TOTAL Social - Events$3,500 TOTAL Administrative$5,620 Taxes$300 Community Improvements$20,000 Utilities Landscaping Electric$3,000 Backflow Testing (Annual)$800 Water$30,000 Bark$10,000 TOTAL Utilities$33,000 Irrigation Repairs$8,000 TOTAL EXPENSES$159,220 Landscape Repairs$10,000 Maintenance (Monthly)$66,000 Playground Wood Chips$2,000 TOTAL Landscaping$96, Budget Expenses
Open Nominations What are you passionate about? Parks, Events, Administrative, Social Your chance to make a difference! Influence community decisions
Election of Directors 2 Director posts up for elections Term ending Candidates for Director’s posts
Open Forum Question and Answers