T-SNAP Working with You and for You Texas Assessment Conference December 2008
What is T-SNAP? As stated in the constitution of the Texas Statewide Network of Assessment Professionals, we are an organization whose purpose is to –Share information about testing in educational settings –Encourage the appropriate use of testing –Improve the applications of measurement to students and educational programs –Encourage research in the area of elementary and secondary school testing and measurement
What T-SNAP Offers Its Members Opportunities for training through coordinator academies Discussion of important topics through TETN sessions held in collaboration with TEA and Pearson Notification of events and critical information through web site postings and broadcasts Representation in the planning and conducting of the Texas Assessment Conference
Academies New District Testing Coordinator Academy –Held in Austin each fall –Specifically geared to district coordinators with no experience to one year of experience –A full day of training provided by T-SNAP members, TEA staff, and Pearson staff –Opportunities for networking and sharing with job-alike professionals
Academies Not-So-New District Testing Coordinator Academy –Held in Austin each fall –Specifically geared to district coordinators with two to five years of experience –A full day of training provided by T-SNAP members, TEA staff, and Pearson staff with a slant on reporting and accountability –Opportunities for networking and sharing with job-alike professionals
TETNs Texas Education Telecommunication Network Sessions –Opportunities for testing coordinators to hear updates from TEA and Pearson and to ask questions pertaining to all aspects of the assessment program –Participation available at all twenty Education Service Centers and at numerous satellite locations
Web Site –A source for information about T-SNAP –Access to conference handouts –Links to TEA materials and notifications –Alerts regarding TETNs and other events –Links to regional group web sites
Assessment Conference T-SNAP participation in the Texas Assessment Conference –Members of T-SNAP serve on the planning committee. –Numerous members present preconference and concurrent sessions. –The annual business meeting is conducted during the T-SNAP breakfast.
Regional Groups Regional groups affiliated with T-SNAP –BRATS – Bayou Regional Area Test Supervisors (Houston Area) –CATS – Capital Area Testing Supervisors (Austin Area) –DRATS – Desert Region Area Testing Supervisors (El Paso Area) –MATS – Metroplex Area Testing Supervisors (Dallas and Fort Worth Area) –NEATS – North Eastern Area Testing Supervisors (ESC Regions 7 and 8) –RATS – Regional Association of Testing Supervisors (San Antonio Area)
Collaborations Throughout the year, T-SNAP representatives have the opportunity to communicate with and collaborate with TEA and Pearson staff in planning and preparing for the academies, TETNs, and Texas Assessment Conference. Members also enjoy opportunities to collaborate with each other at T-SNAP sponsored events and through regional group meetings.
Membership Annual dues for T-SNAP are $25.00 and provide membership from December 1 to November 30. –Dues cover expenses associated with the academies, the assessment conference, the web site, mailings, and member gifts. You can join at the conference by going to the T- SNAP booth or by sending payment to: TSNAP C/O Joe Garrison, Treasurer PO Box 7733 Tyler, Texas 75711