The Target Standard 1 History happens over time and historic events are connected.
Did You Know? Events occur every day; some are important and some are not important. Historians keep track of the important events. What you ate for breakfast this morning would not be an important event.
Did You Know? An important event in history is one that will affect the events that follow and will have a lasting place in memory. But whose memory? What is important in Delaware may not be important in North Dakota.
Did You Know? The storm of 1962 struck Delaware hard. Businesses and homes were ruined at the shore. The people in North Dakota may not remember it.
Did You Know? To understand the terrible storm a historian might look at pictures of Dewey Beach before the storm and create a profile of the area. She might ask what kinds of businesses and houses existed in 1960 or
Did You Know? Next, the historian might research the storm itself. She might ask how long the storm lasted, how strong the winds were, and how high the waves became.
Did You Know? Finally, the historian wants to find out the effects of the storm. Did the town rebuild the boardwalk, did businesses leave the area, was the shoreline changed, and as a result, did the local government pass any local laws that might affect the future of the town?
Did You Know? Events are connected by cause and effect. One event has a strong effect on the next which in turn causes the next event.
Did You Know? That storm and others like it produced the need for federal storm damage help; which is called the Rehoboth Beach/Dewey Beach project.
Think About It Historians would place the events in order on a timeline and then explain the causes and effects of each event on the others. Explain how these events are related. Dewey Beach Storm History Dewey Beach is vacation resort Nor'easter storm hits Dewey Beach Legislation to restore beach Beach replenishment begins
Did You Know? Sometimes events occur but they are not related. The Beatles arrived in New York City in 1964, but that had nothing to do with the coastal storm in Dewey!
Did You Know? The historian must decide what to include in his chronology. Events that are not related would not be included. Events that caused or affected others would be included.
The Target Cause and effect can happen over a long or short period of time.
Did You Know? The effects of some events are easy to see. Nor’easter storms wash away the beach. When the terrible storm of 1962 occurred, it caused the government to decide to help the community restore the beach.
Did You Know? Some events happen over a long period of time. We know that the United State’s relations with Middle Eastern countries has been poor since Israel became a nation in
Did You Know? Many Americans see September 11 as the big event that caused the U.S. to go to war with Iraq.
Did You Know? Actually, there were many events over a long period of time that contributed to the war.
Think About It The people of the Middle East might say the U.S. interfered with oil production. Both events happened but historians look at different events as the cause.
Think About It In 2003, the US Congress passed a bill called No Child Left Behind. Now children must be tested every year. Did the election of George W. Bush cause this legislation to be passed? Explain why or why not.