Powered by FEASIBILITY AND PLANNING STUDY Monday, October 20, 2014
Powered by Date Created: Monday, June 23, Total Responses Complete Responses: 111
Powered by What is your relationship with United Methodist Camp & Retreat Ministries? Please check all that apply. Answered: 144
Powered by How familiar are you with the programs and activities of GBOD's office of Camp and Retreat Ministries? Answered: 144
Powered by What public image and value does the United Methodist Camp and Retreat Ministry have from your perspective? Answered: 121 Skipped: 27
Powered by Q6: What public image and value does the United Methodist Camp and Retreat Ministry have from your perspective? Answered: 121
Powered by What is your general reaction to the proposed annual fundraising plan as outlined in the Legacy of Leadership Annual Fund Case Statement? Answered: 119
Powered by Please number the needs as outlined in the Legacy of Leadership Fund Case Statement in order of their importance to you. (1 being the most important and 5 being the least important.) Answered: 109
Powered by Proposed is a $25,000 per year annual fundraising effort with a December 31, 2015 total combined goal of $50,000. Additionally, a challenge fund of $25,000 will match every gift dollar-for-dollar up to $25,000, giving the proposed total of funds raised to be $75,000 by the end of 2015.Do you believe that $25,000 can be raised each year to support these funding priorities? Answered: 112
Powered by Are there any issues that might prevent an annual fundraising effort from being successful? Answered: 105
Powered by How do you think constituencies will react and respond to this plan? Answered: 107
Powered by To be successful, the annual fundraising effort must be able to attract strong leadership. Do you believe GBOD and UMCRM can attract the necessary leadership to spearhead the effort? Answered: 110
Powered by With regard to your own participation, would you consider... Answered: 104
Powered by Would you make a gift to the campaign? Answered: 105
Powered by Without considering this a solicitation, how much would you consider giving? Answered: 69
Powered by Are you associated with any corporations, foundations, or organizations that might be interested in supporting this annual fund campaign? Answered: 96
Powered by Would you assist in approaching them? Answered: 57