Optimist International1 Optimist International Leadership Development Club Presidents-Elect Seminar
Optimist International2 Goal Setting Roadmap to Success
Optimist International3 Success can be defined as making progress toward a worthy goal. Goal Setting
Optimist International4 What is Success?
Optimist International5 S = C + E Success = Commitment + Effort The first step toward bringing success to your Optimist club is being committed as the President.
Optimist International6 Are you committed to the ideas of Optimism and Youth Service?
Optimist International7 Are you committed to the ideas of Optimism and Youth Service? Will you put forth the effort it takes to make my Club Successful?
Optimist International8 Goals Goals - How do I get there?
Optimist International9 Goals Goals - How do I get there? You will need a keen sense of prospective, Values and purpose to get where you want to go.
Optimist International10 Goals Goals - Measurable Realistic Well Defined Internalized Meaningful
Optimist International11 What are your Goals How many new Optimist members will you personally recruit this year?
Optimist International12 What are your Goals How many members will your club add to its roster this year?
Optimist International13 What are your Goals How many members will you lose?
Optimist International14 What are your Goals What will be your club’s “net gain” in membership this year?
Optimist International15 What are your Goals How many service projects will your club conduct?
Optimist International16 What are your Goals What new and unique service project would you like to add?
Optimist International17 What are your Goals How many of your members will obtain Level One of the PGI program?
Optimist International18 What are your Goals Will you bring Optimism to a new community by building a new club?
Optimist International19 What are your Goals Will you bring Optimism to a new community by building a new club? Where?
Optimist International20 What are your Goals Will you bring Optimism to a new community by building a new club? Where? When?
Optimist International21 What are your Goals What is your “ultimate goal” as club president?
Optimist International22 What are your Goals Write a “vision statement” as to how you goal will be communicated.
Optimist International23 What are your Goals Write a “vision statement” as to how you goal will be communicated. Write specifics as to how this goal will be measured.
Optimist International24 Annual Club Planning Conference Presidents Elect Secretary-Treasurer Elect
Optimist International25 What is an Annual Club Planning Conference?
Optimist International26 What is an Annual Club Planning Conference? The Annual Club Planning Conference is a way for the Club Leadership and District Leadership to determine the Organization, Plans and Direction of the Club for the coming Optimist year. The Annual Club Planning Conference can be a key to your success as a club president.
Optimist International27 When should an Annual Club Planning Conference Be Held?
Optimist International28 When should an Annual Club Planning Conference Be Held? Before October 1
Optimist International29 Annual Club Planning Conference Who should attend?
Optimist International30 Annual Club Planning Conference Who should attend? Lt. Governor President Secretary-Treasurer Vice Presidents Committee Chairs Other Board Members
Optimist International31 Club Information District __________Zone____ Club Number_____ Complete Club Name_______________________ President’s Name _______Phone Number______ Sec-Treas Name________Phone Number______ Lt. Gov Name___________Phone Number______
Optimist International32 Club Information Number of members?______________Club Incorporation number?_________________ Day and Time of Meetings?_________ Frequency of Club bulletin?_________________ Annual Dues?____________________ Are club Bylaws available?_________________ New Member Initiation Fee?_________ When were Club policies last updated?______ Has Budget been approved?_________ US Clubs-When will IRS form 990 be filed?___
Optimist International33 Club Organization Club Chair Names Community Service________________ Fellowship_________________________ Director of Personal Growth_________ Finance___________________________ Youth Activities___________________ Foundation (CFR)___________________ Publicity_________________________ Programs _________________________ New Club________________________ Membership_______________________ Youth Clubs______________________ Other ____________________________ Does your Club Participator in the Personal Growth and Involvement Program?___
Optimist International34 Club Goals What Goals have been set by the Club for the coming year? Net Gain in Membership____________Friend of Youth Award___________________ Sponsor of new Club(s)____________ Community Service Involvement Award_____ Honor Club______________________ Partner in Education Award______________ Distinguished President____________ No. of CPA Entries (Honor Club requirement) _________ Sponsor of Jr Optimist/Octagon/Alpha Club_________________________________
Optimist International35 Club Training and Development of Future Leaders Do you plan to present some ‘Skills Development Modules’ at Club Meetings? (examples: Creative Problem Solving, Effective Time Management, Choosing Optimism as a Philosophy of Life, Public Speaking, etc.)______________________________________ Who will represent Club at District Meetings?___________________________________ Does your Club offer financial assistance to officers who attend District & Optimist International Meetings?____________________________________________________
Optimist International36 Club Service in the Community What community/youth serving projects are planned for the year?_________________ What fund-raising projects are planned for the year?___________________________ What amount does the Club plan to raise from fund-raising projects? $_____________
Optimist International37 Quiz Bowl Presidents Elect Secretary-Treasurer Elect
Optimist International38 What is the recognition award given to the key builder of a new club? ????? Quiz Bowl ?????
Optimist International39 What is the recognition award given to the key builder of a new club? Builder or Excellence ????? Quiz Bowl ?????
Optimist International40 What is the minimum number of Charter members required for the formation of a new Optimist Club for awards credit? ????? Quiz Bowl ?????
Optimist International41 What is the minimum number of Charter members required for the formation of a new Optimist Club for awards credit? 25 ????? Quiz Bowl ?????
Optimist International42 What is the name of the form that a club can use to find out what a member is interested in? ????? Quiz Bowl ?????
Optimist International43 What is the name of the form that a club can use to find out what a member is interested in? Member Interest Finder ????? Quiz Bowl ?????
Optimist International44 A “Youth Club” is an Optimist Club for kids. What are high school youth clubs called? ????? Quiz Bowl ?????
Optimist International45 A “Youth Club” is an Optimist Club for kids. What are high school youth clubs called? Octagon Clubs ????? Quiz Bowl ?????
Optimist International46 When is the club “Officer Elect Report” due? ????? Quiz Bowl ?????
Optimist International47 When is the club “Officer Elect Report” due? May 20 ????? Quiz Bowl ?????
Optimist International48 What two items should all club reports include? ????? Quiz Bowl ?????
Optimist International49 What two items should all club reports include? Official club name and number ????? Quiz Bowl ?????
Optimist International50 Name something a new member receives when joining an Optimist Club? ????? Quiz Bowl ?????
Optimist International51 Name something a new member receives when joining an Optimist Club? Lapel pin, optimist Creed, certificate of membership, name badge, lots of friends, opportunity to serve. ????? Quiz Bowl ?????
Optimist International52 What Optimist publication does every club president receive? ????? Quiz Bowl ?????
Optimist International53 What Optimist publication does every club president receive? Leadership Hotline ????? Quiz Bowl ?????
Optimist International54 What is the minimum Initiation fee for a new member? ????? Quiz Bowl ?????
Optimist International55 What is the minimum Initiation fee for a new member? $30 US Charter Member is $35 US ????? Quiz Bowl ?????
Optimist International56 Are there any questions?
Optimist International57 Closing Remarks