2014 Opening Conference of the Hungarian School Fruit Scheme – Budapest - 28/02/2014 European Commission - DG Agriculture Vincent Lariviere - Unit C2 1.


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Presentation transcript:

2014 Opening Conference of the Hungarian School Fruit Scheme – Budapest - 28/02/2014 European Commission - DG Agriculture Vincent Lariviere - Unit C2 1

Outline 1. CAP "School schemes": general goals 2. Key figures for 12/13 school year a) in Hungary b) at EU level 3. Accompanying measures 4. The future 2

CAP "School schemes": general goals Currently there are 2 "school schemes": School Fruit Scheme (SFS), co-financing the distribution of F&V products (including bananas) to children in schools since 2009/2010 school year School Milk Scheme (SMS) with EU support for the distribution of milk and milk products (over 3 decades old) 3

Specific objectives of School Schemes Agricultural "market" objectives Nutrition and health objectives (designed to promote healthy eating habits at an early age) To reinforce links between the farming community and children, theirs parents and teachers, especially in urban areas 4

SFS State of Play Present: current SFS implementation before CAP 2020 changes As of 2014/2015: CAP 2020 implementation with higher budget, accompanying measures Future: new proposal adopted on January 30th 5

SFS implementation - at EU level Implemented since 2009/2010 school year. Currently, in 2012/2013: in 25 MS (all except UK, SE and FI) Over 8,6 million children in more than schools (2012/2013 school year) € 90 million of EU funding available annually (MS co-finance either at 50% or 25% rates) but set to increase as from 2014/2015 to € 150 million and 75% - 90% rates (in the context of CAP 2020) In most MS, main target group children is 6-10 years but can cover children ranging from nurseries to secondary schools In addition to the portions of F&V, children are offered also accompanying measures (farm visits, gardening sessions …) to be cofinanced as from 2014/2015 6

The SFS in Hungary- main figures More than pupils in schools for an overall budget of almost 5 Mio€ (EU: 69% - National + private: 31%) Target group: pupils from 6 to 10 (1st-4th year of primary schools) Frequency of distribution: from twice to four times a week (in 2011/2012 twice: 14%; three times: 54%; four times: 32%) Duration of distribution: weeks Proportion: fresh:80%, processed: 20% Products: apple, peach, tomato, carrot, pear, plum, pepper, kohlrabi (processed: fruit juices) Community origin: 100% 7

The SFS in Hungary- participating pupils: +23% in 4 years 8

The SFS in Hungary- participating schools: +17% in 4 years 9

The SFS in Hungary- EU budget Basic EU indicative envelope for Hungary is around € 2 million annually (31% come from the national co-financing) Hungary is one of the best user of SFS budget (use more than 90% of its budget) For 2013/2014 school year, in the context of the CAP 2020, the EU indicative allocation for Hungary is increased from € 2 million to € 3 million 10

The SFS at EU level: annual envelopes 11

The global use of the EU budget (all MS together, in %) 12

The use of the EU budget per MS in % 13

The SFS at EU level: target group 14

Specifications of distributed portions (UE average) Consumption: about 45 portions per child per year Cost of a distribution of a portion of fruits and vegetables: estimated at € 0.30 per pupil Average weight of a distributed portion: estimated about 133 grams 15

The SFS – mainly fresh products distributed 16

Accompanying measures (examples of measures currently notified by Member States) Directly linked to agriculture: farm visits, market visits, school gardens, cooking, tasting sessions Educational: pedagogical kits for teachers and pupils, leaflets, seminars, training sessions for teachers Others: interactive games on health and nutrition, photo competitions, exhibitions, school magazines, rewarding gadgets, cartoons 17

The SFS in Hungary– accompanying measures Title Promoting organisation Local / Regional / National Target groupBudget 1. school fruit scheme websitessuppliersnational pupils from 6 to ,0 € 2. field trip to PGs, POs and producers in fruit & vegetable sector suppliers & schoolsnational pupils from 6 to ,0 € 3. drawing up and use of teaching materials related to healthy eating supplierslocal pupils from 6 to ,0 € 4. education related to healthy eating habits or fruit & vegetable sector supplierslocal pupils from 6 to ,0 € 5. rewards promoting the consumption of fruit & vegetables supplierslocal pupils from 6 to ,0 € 18

The SFS – accompanying measures 19

The SFS in the CAP 2020 proposal EU funding: 150 Mio€ instead of 90 Mio€ Co-financing rates 75-90% instead of 50-75% (max % in less developed regions) Accompanying measures eligible to the EU aid 20

Planning: the SFS in 2014/2015 National strategies and aid requests to be submitted by 30 April 2014 Commission's decision on final allocations by 30 June 2014 Delegated act on accompanying measures (eligible costs and the maximum financing limit): already discussed with MS, now in internal Commission procedure New indicative allocations: based on €150 mio budget and higher co-financing rates - favourable opinion in ManCom on 18/2, adoption procedure under way (scheduled for 11/3) 21

New proposal: key elements (1) It is a joint framework Major points emphasised in the public consultation: simplification, reduction of administrative burden, stronger educational measures for SMS, separate budgets for F&V and milk Focused on fresh fruit and vegetables (including bananas) and drinking milk New educational measures: could occasionally include in thematic activities a wider variety of agricultural products, such as for example yoghurts, honey or olive oil. Two separate EU envelopes of € 150 million for fruit and vegetables and € 80 million for milk, with a possibility of limited transfers between them. 22

New proposal: key elements (2) The new legislative proposal has been adopted on 30 January 2014 All documents are available on the website: proposal/index_en.htm 23

The SFS stakeholders' meeting Scheduled for May 2014 Will focus on the implementation: logistics, distribution, difficulties encountered by MS/ schools/ suppliers… 24

Thank you for your attention! 25