Each year, members of our Junior GOYA work hard and accomplish a lot; we’ve developed a welcoming association where each member is comfortable and enjoys spending time with each other. During the Ecclesiastical Year, our GOYANS participated in a number of activities from to attending a fun-filled outing at Holiday Hill. During the Christmas season, GOYAN donations helped us to purchase gifts for two needy teenagers through St. Luke’s. Holiday Hill is a resort area in nearby Prescott, CT, which offers numerous activities. GOYANS enjoyed tennis, basketball, soccer, swimming, canoeing, and many other activities, along with non-stop freshly prepared food. It was a day of fun and relaxation! This year we hope to grow our membership, and continue to have fun in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere. We’re planning an exciting and fun-filled Ecclesiastical Year, and we look to each of you to help us expand on our past achievements. We have put together a preliminary calendar for Take a moment to jot down these important dates, and as we continue to amend and/or add new activities, we’ll keep you informed. Looking forward to seeing you all again, and welcoming our new members. Remember, monthly GOYA meetings are held on the first Sunday of each month (unless, otherwise notified), immediately following Church services. Church of the Archangels Junior GOYA As our youth continue to work with other Archangels’ groups, they continue to build strong community ties that will enable them to be ready to lead our Church into the future. We invite all our youth, ages 12 to 18 (7 th – 12 th grade), to join us and experience this warm and friendly atmosphere. Advisors and members are kept abreast of ongoing issues and events via . Please make sure the officers and/or advisors have your current address, as this is a key communication tool. For the Ecclesiastical Year, we suggest annual dues of $20.00 to be paid by January 1 st Respectfully, Rev. George Poulos Annette K. Ziboulis Margaret L. Fornaciari Diane Skoparantzoss Visit us on the web: 7/2007
Sunday School Begins 09/07/08 GOYA Meeting 09/07/08 Orthodox Youth Day (St. Basil’s Academy) 09/27/08 GOYA Meeting 10/05/08 Youth Sunday (Swearing-In Officers) 10/26/08 Annual Archangels Greek Festival 10/17-19/08 GOYA Meeting 11/09/08 Annual Philoptochos Charity Turkey Bingo (GOYANs to volunteer) 11/22/08 GOYA Dance (New Rochelle, NY) 12/05/08 St. Luke’s Lifeworks Christmas Gift Wrapping (GOYANs to set up for Communion Breakfast) 12/13/08 District-wide GOYA Day Retreat 12/13/08 Archangels Communion Breakfast 12/14/08 Christmas Wreath/Plant Sale 12/15/08 GOYA Dance (West Nyack,NY) 01/09/09 Traditional Mardi Gras Dance 02/21/09 (Apokreatiko Glendi) Archangels Communion Breakfast 03/08/08 District-wide Scavenger Hunt (Tentative) 03/21/08 Archangels GOYA NYC Overnight 04/10/09 Camp St. Paul 06/29/09- (Two weeks this year!) 07/12/09 MORE TO COME!!! We’d like to try to plan other exciting activities such as a one-day ski trip, a movie night, and a luncheon in Astoria, New York. Do you have a suggestion for a fun-filled activity? Let us know. Through fundraising efforts, our youth are afforded opportunities to learn about their faith, reach out to the local community, plan and participate in activities and events while enjoying one another’s company. This year, four young adults from our community joined close to 200 other campers at Camp St. Paul in Litchfield, CT. Campers from the Tri-State area enjoyed two weeks of fun and faith. In the past, we have chosen one GOYAN to attend a one-week session; we will continue to sponsor one GOYA member to the camp. During the Ecclesiastical Year, the group enjoyed GOYA dances at neighboring parishes. Not only do our youth dance to traditional Greek music and current pop music, they meet and make friends with other GOYANS from surrounding areas. Our youth also participated and volunteered at many church-sponsored functions. They help set up for the annual Philoptochos Charity Turkey Bingo, communion breakfasts, and will continue to help set- up, serve, and clean up at the Church festival. We also plan to assist with the other Church functions, as needed. The first annual Orthodox Youth Day scheduled last year was met with overwhelming success. This event will kick-off regional GOYA activities at St. Basil’s academy on September 27 th. With many activities planned, it promises to be a day full of fun for our Orthodox Youth Calendar of Events At A Glance