National History Day
What is NHD? Select a topic of interest Launch research/investigation Work with primary and secondary sources Letters Photographs Diaries Transcripts from court cases Autobiography books Biography books Newspaper articles
What is NHD? Analyze your sources Interpret your sources Draw conclusions Present your work ◦ Write a historical paper ◦ Create a website (using Weebly platform) ◦ Create a documentary ◦ Create a museum exhibit ◦ Live performance
Presentations Impact Academy showcase District competition – March State competition – April National competition – June Let’s take a look!
2015 Theme Leadership and Legacy in History ◦ Local leaders ◦ National leaders ◦ International leaders ◦ Any time period NOTE: a generation removed/25 years – so look BEFORE 1990
LEADERS Presidents Kings Local leaders Religious leaders Governors Mayors Business owners Leaders of social movements
LEGACY What is handed down? What is left behind for future generations? What change did the leader set in motion? How did they set out to change the world? Did they succeed?
LEGACY Positive? Controversial? Did the leader carry “the torch”?
KEY QUESTION So what? Does this person really matter? What real change occurred because of his/her leadership? What was the impact on people, society, economics, or government? What was the short term impact? What was the long term impact?
Working with primary documents at the National Archives facility in Morrow, GA
District competition at Clayton State University
Examples Live performance Documentary Museum exhibit
NHD resources Getting Started 2015 Theme book Conducting research Creating an entry LaGrange College – excellent site! LaGrange College