PHICS OFFICERS PresidentDominga C. Gomez, RN Vice-President Regina P. Berba, MD SecretaryBernadette T. Seludo, MD Assistant Secretary Ma. Carmen SG. Buenaflor, RN TreasurerEvengileta A. America, RN Auditor Victoria D. Villanueva, RN Board MembersVictoria I. Ching, RN Caroline V. Molina, RN Rontgene M. Solante, MD Immediate Past PresidentMa. Cecilia S. Montalban, MD Council of Advisers Melecia A. Velmonte, MD Jaime C. Montoya, MD Noel G. Macalalad, MD Jodor A. Lim, MD Danilo M. Castro, MD Manolito L. Chua, MD Mario M. Panaligan, MD Participants and Delegates Pre-Registration Rate (on or before March 31, 2010) After March 31, 2010 and on-site Registration Rate PHICS members (inclusive of Annual Dues) Php 1,500.00Php 2, Residents and Fellows-in-training Government/PAPCI D Member/Non- PHICS Member Php 2,000.00Php 2, For More Information, please contact our secretariat: Ms. Bing C. Magtibay Tel. no. (02) Mobile no. (63) or through address: Infection Control Matrix: Forward Directions in the Setting of Diversity and Adversity Philippine Hospital infection control Society (phics), inc. PHICNA 6 th Pre-convention May 26, 2010 Venue: TBA May 27-28, 2010 Century Park Hotel 599 P. Ocampo Street, Malate, Manila
Message Regina P. Berba, MD Over-all Organizing Chair Dear Colleagues, Greetings! In behalf of the officers of the Philippine Hospital Infection Control Society, I cordially invite you to the 16 th Annual Convention. This special event will take place on May 27-28, 2010 at the Century Park Hotel, 599 P. Ocampo Street, Malate, Manila. The Organizing Committee is preparing a programme full of relevant topics, excellent lectures from respected experts. The interesting mix of sessions will complete the matrix toward the true goals of infection control. I hope you and the other members of your hospital would be able to participate in this important event. PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME Keynote Lecture: “Of Pandemic and Disaster: Rising to the Challenge of Infection Control Preparedness and Responses” Plenary: Aerobiology of Infections: Prophylactic Air Management to Prevent the Spread of Nosocomial Infection Boosting Effectiveness as Infection Control Professional: The Steven Covey Approach Convention Symposia Infection Control Practices from Bedside to Burial Environmental Cleaning: What’s Hot and What’s Not Postmortem Infection Control: Do’s and Don’t’s Infection Control in the Hospital and Beyond: Mobilizing Internal Strengths to Overcome Adversities Infection Control Beyond the Wards The Marikina Experience Disaster Risk Reduction 2010 MDRO and Infection Control Guidelines Confronting the Rise of MRSA Navigating the Maze of MDR Gram Negative Bacteria 2010 New CDC SHEA Infection Control Guidelines Interactive Session Multi-Sectoral Stance on Pandemic Influenza: Unraveling the Matrix: Clinical, Educational, Risk Communications and Media Meet-the-Experts Cutting Through the Matrix of HCW Blood Exposures Prevention and Management: HIV, HBV and HCV PHICS-ing Matters Updates on SHIP Program and NSI and Body Fluids Splash Accidents 2010 Clinical Practice Guidelines on Prevention, Diagnosis and Management of Hospital-acquired Pneumonia (HAP) and Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia (VAP) DOH-PHICS 2010 Procedural Manual on Infection Control RESEARCH CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT 3 rd Call: Research Contest on Infection Control and Infectious Diseases Open to all: Doctors, Nurses, Paramedical Staff, Trainees, Students Submit full paper on or before April 20, 2010 Oral Presentation on May 27, 2010 Criteria for judging: Significance, Objectives, Design and Methodology, Results and Analysis, Conclusion, Clarity and Comprehensiveness of written paper, Oral Presentation Cash awards await the three Best Papers !