BYLAWS COMMITEE Proposed Revisions 2014
Article I, Sec. 3c Current Bylaw: The functions of ANA-New York shall be to: c. propose and influence legislation, governmental programs, and state and national health policy Revised Bylaw: c. propose and influence local, state, and national health policy and legislation.
Article I, Sec. 3m New Bylaw: Add a new (m) to Section 3: m. facilitate the education of other professionals and the general public on the role and function of nurses and nursing.
Article II, Sec. 4c Current Bylaw: c. An individual member who has paid full dues may transfer from one constituent/state nurses association member of ANA to another without further payment of dues for the remainder of the membership year. Application for transfer shall be made to the secretary of the constituent association of which the nurse is currently a member Revised Bylaw: c. An individual who has paid full dues to ANA may transfer to ANA-NY from another constituent/state nurses association (C/SNA) member of ANA to another without further payment of dues for the remainder of the membership year. Application for transfer shall be made to the secretary of ANA-NY
Article V, Sec. 6 New Bylaw: Add a new Section 6 (c): Newly elected board members shall take office at the close of the annual meeting
Article V, Sec. 8a Current Bylaw: In the event of a vacancy: a. in the office of president, the vice-president shall become president for the remainder of the term Revised Bylaw: a. in the office of president, the vice-president shall become president for the reminder of the unexpired term.
Article V, Sec. 8b Current Bylaw: b. in the office of another officer or of a director-at- large, the Board of Directors shall fill the vacancy by appointment until the next annual meeting of the Governing Assembly, when such vacancy shall be filled by election for the unexpired term Revised Bylaw: b. in the office of another officer or of a director-at- large, the Board of Directors shall fill the vacancy by appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term
Article V, Sec. 9b Current Bylaw: b. The vice-president shall assume the duties of the president in the president’s absence or at the discretion of the president Revised Bylaw: b. the vice-president shall assume the duties of the president in the president’s absence or at the discretion of the president and serve as an alternate to the president at the ANA Membership Assembly.
Article VII, Sec. 1b Current Bylaw: b. ANA- New York members shall be eligible to serve in only one elected office at any one time. This provision does not apply to the position of ANA delegate Revised Bylaw: b. ANA- New York members shall be eligible to serve in only one elected office at any one time. This provision does not apply to the position of ANA Membership Assembly representatives and alternates.
Article VII, Sec. 1e Current Bylaw: e. A member who meets the established qualifications for an elective office may declare as a candidate by writing to the Secretary of ANA-New York and such name shall appear on the ballot. Revised Bylaw: Delete in its entirety: Section 1 (e).
Article VII, Sec. 2b Current Bylaw: b. All elections shall be conducted in the second quarter of the year. Revised Bylaw: b. All elections shall be conducted in the third quarter of the year.
Article VIII, Sec. 2 Change the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 to a, b, c and d.
Article VIII, Sec. 2 (old 4, new d) Current Bylaw: 4) Except for the President, ANA representative and alternate representatives (s) shall be elected and shall serve based on those who received the highest number of votes. Revised Bylaw: d) Except for the president, the vice-president, ANA representative(s) and alternate representative (s) shall be elected and shall serve based on those who received the highest number of votes