Annual Meeting July 17, 2014 WIBSA UPDATES
Rosie Stelpflug, President Current term ending June 30, 2015 Samantha Donoghue, Vice President Current term ending June 30, 2016 Andrzej Walz-Chojnacki, Treasurer Current term ending June 30, 2016 Angela Brenna, Secretary Current term ending June 30, 2015 Scott Anderson, Peer Review Committee Chairperson Becky Visocky, Professional Development Committee Chairperson Terri Lannan, Outreach and Marketing Committee Chairperson WIBSA BOARD
Scott Anderson, Chair Betty Olson Dean Kresl Amy Thomson Jolene Wanek Sara Dekan Amber Kwiatowski Kari Buza New in – 2015 PEER REVIEW COMMITTEE
Terri Lannan, Chair Nick Isham Anna Nickolai Andrzej Walz- Chojnacki Jessica Reed New in 2014 Shannon Huff New in – 2015 OUTREACH & MARKETING COMMITTEE
Becky Visocky, Chair Keith Heimforth Ethan Hayes Deb Falk-Palec Vicki Almgren New in – 2015 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE
No Changes: The peer review process is the same The trainings requirements remain the same Annual dues remain $50 for full members Annual dues remain $10 for supporting members New: Members who complete their training mid-year can join WIBSA and will not be required to pay dues, complete a peer review, or submit a training log until the next fiscal year IMPORTANT INFORMATION
Balance = $3,142 Projected dues payments = $2,740 Estimated Costs: Meetings and trainings - $2,800+ Conferences - $500+ Printing costs & supplies – $500 Taxes & miscellaneous fees = $200 Web hosting – up to $800 Estimated carry over – about $1, – 2015 PROJECTED BUDGET
Includes: Outreaching to potential members Outreaching to agencies that we can collaborate and partner with Continue outreach to DVR and provide any information that is requested Goal: Increase WIBSA’s visibility among new members and vendors
Includes: Establishing a new website that combines features of our two current online platforms Continuing to update both websites on a regular basis Continuing to post information about upcoming trainings to the EN website Goal: Determine what is needed to ensure that the WIBSA website meets the association’s needs.
Includes: Planning and developing the annual meeting for 2015 Determining the specifics for a mid-year training Making attempts to partner with the Wisconsin Disability Benefits Network (WDBN) to host trainings on consecutive dates Continuing to address self-employment at trainings and meetings Goal: Provide two WIBSA sponsored trainings.
Includes: Continuing to work with the Survival Coalition Continuing discussions with the Wisconsin Association of Benefits Specialists (WABS) on how we can partner together Continue involvement with the WDBN Advisory Council Seeking additional avenues for advocacy Goal: Continue with advocacy efforts.
Includes: Determining how to better address members who do not meet the requirements Fining a way to connect benefits specialists with a ongoing peer reviewer to look over reports Reviewing the policies and requirements for the annual peer review Goal: Work on strengthening the Peer Review process.
You will be notified ahead of time when you are scheduled for your annual peer review. Please submit your report by the 15 th of the month you are assigned Training logs are due each year by June 30, 2014 The annual dues are paid in July of each year, by the date of the annual meeting The annual meeting will take place in July 2015 A survey will be sent ahead of time to determine which dates are best for a majority of the group Reminders