Second Nature Strategic Framework Second Nature is the supporting organization of the American College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment Board Meeting November 18, 2013
Overview Review process to date and going forward Review key findings of Strategic Assessment Review and discuss three key issues –Program priorities –Top down or bottom up program development –A growth scenario
Strategic Process Phase 1 – Spring 2013 – Developed internal Strategic Assessment Phase 2 – Summer 2013 – Conducted external assessment Phase 3 – Fall 2013 – Develop Strategic Framework – the 3-5 year plan for SN Planning Committee meetings – Nov. 19, early December, early January Board review and approval – late January
Strategic Assessment: Findings Clearly articulated mission and niche: to create a sustainable society by transforming higher education. Strong ties to administrative leaders at colleges and universities, including college and university presidents, chief financial officers, provosts and sustainability directors. A stable financial base, including $1.3 million in annual dues and other payments from the 655 PCC schools and modest funding from a small number of foundations and corporate partners.
Strategic Assessment: Findings Campus – 675+ participating institutions: –Have reduced emissions 25% in five years –Will reduce greenhouse gas emissions 30% over the next 15 years –Have saved $144.5 million through emission reductions to date –Are the third largest purchaser of U.S. Renewable Energy Credits – Have submitted 500 climate action plans, 1800 GHG inventories, and 309 progress reports and have 12,000 staff working on implementation –Considerable participation and capacity at MSIs and URIs
Strategic Assessment: Findings Curriculum – The 675+ active institutions have: –6,413,193 students – approximately one-third of all college and university students in the U.S. –Taught 150,252 graduates about sustainability learning outcomes. –14,465 faculty members engaged in sustainability research. Community – Engaged communities in a modest level of climate and sustainability partnerships
Strategic Assessment: Findings Excellent strengths and results for a startup non-profit Second Nature poor at communicating its strengths and results Starting new programs on resilience, finance and investment to meet demand and sustainability mission Strategic Framework (plan) needs to focus on financing the next stage of growth
Issue #1 – Program Priorities Today’s priorities: Campus – operational sustainability and carbon reductions and supporting MSIs and URIs Curriculum – measuring the progress participating institutions are making on sustainability curriculum and research Community – Limited
Issue # 1: Program Priorities Add financing, investment, resilience Campus – operational sustainability and carbon reductions, supporting MSIs and URIs, financing Curriculum – measuring the progress participating institutions are making on sustainability curriculum and research Community – adaptation and resilience, investment
Issue #1: Program Priorities Not top priorities going forward: Curriculum and research Education Communications Other
Issue #2: Bottom Up or Top Down Current State – Bottom Up –Creating Working Groups on Financing, Resilience and Investment –PCC and non-PCC institutions involved –Unclear Funding Model Option – Top Down –Sustainability Program for PCC and Non-PCC –Access to all programs –Dues or fee-for-service base
Bottom Up Model
Top Down Model
Issue #3: A Growth Scenario? Does Second Nature – Board and Staff – support a growth funding scenario that relies heavily in the short-term on attracting large contributions from a few institutions or individuals? These investments will finance larger income growth from colleges and universities through dues or services over the longer-term – your customers.
Growth Scenario