HOMEWORK 1.Read Gen 22: Do a story board of the story in 6-8 boxes with labels to describe what is happening 3.Explain with PEE one thing you can learn for yourself from the story.
To describe the Covenant God made with the Jews through Moses To explain what this Covenant involved To evaluate the difference with Abraham’s covenant 1. A_____ has a son I____ with Sarah his wife. 2. I____ marries Rebekah, and has 2 sons, Esau and Jacob. 3. J_____ cheats his brother Esau to get his father’s dying blessing. He runs away, m______ Rachel & has 12 sons – the 12 tribes of Israel 4. Joseph, (dreamcoat) the favourite of Jacob’s 12 sons, gets sold by his 11 b______ as a s_____ to Egypt, but becomes powerful as the Pharaoh’s assistant. 5. Lots of Jews move to E_____ to get food from J______ & avoid the famine. 6. A new Pharaoh who did not know Joseph becomes afraid of the Jews, makes them s_____ and starts killing baby b_____ 7. Moses grows up as P____ of Egypt, runs away but returns to f____ the Jews Write out the story of the Jews up to Moses, as bullet points or as the timeline.
To describe the Covenant God made with the Jews through Moses To explain what this Covenant involved doing, on God’s side and on the Jewish side To evaluate how free the Jews free to accept the Covenant 1.How did the Jews sin when Moses went up to get the Commandments from God? 2.What was Moses’ reaction when he returned? 3.Do you think they should have known better than to sin like that? Why/ why not? Give 2 reasons. **The Jews made a golden calf because they wanted to follow a god they could “see”. Why didn’t God allow them to make an image of himself?
Read the text. 1.Summarise in a speech bubble what God is promising here (3 things) and what the Jews have to do in return. 2.How is this Covenant sealed ? (section 3) 3.What happens, if the Jews break the Covenant? **Would you risk signing up to the Covenant, and face penalties if you break it? GOD
Sealed in Blood If you break the Covenant with God, (by breaking any of the 10) your life is “cut off” from God – you are as a dead person to God. Would you enter a Covenant with God if you knew this could happen?? Vote !