A Leader’s Legacy by: Jim Kouzes & Barry Posner
Understanding Your Significance As A Your assigned role leg·a·cy n. pl. leg·a·cies Something handed down from an ancestor or a predecessor or from the past Your “given” role Service and Sacrifce Critics Giving “followers” significance Leader Teacher
Building Bridging Why? leg·a·cy n. pl. leg·a·cies Something handed down [to another] from an ancestor or a predecessor or from the past How? Leadership is Personal Leaders should want to be liked Gaining Relationships Seek understanding trust Trust
Passing through the View, yet passing on the Vision “Through” the View leg·a·cy n. pl. leg·a·cies Something handed down [to another] from an ancestor or a predecessor or from the past [onto the next] “On” the Vision Lead from within Looking forward Giving them the Not just your vision Liberate the Leader in everyone aspiration { } ________________________