Governance & Leadership Structure Influence Build Connect
Intent of Leadership Structure Impact Member Engagement Effective Governance On the Ground & Nationally Integrated & Discipline-focused Competency based Appropriately representative
Executive Governing Board Leadership Council Peer Councils Affiliates
APHSA Executive Governing Board StrategistDeveloperMonitor
Executive Governing Board General Duties Sets overall strategic direction and leads planning efforts Approves association-wide priorities & objectives Establishes appropriate strategic and association level policies Hires and oversees executive director Creates appropriate committees and councils and monitors consistency with mission and strategic direction. Provides oversight of finances and approves annual budget.
Executive Governing Board Members Chair of Leadership Council Chair of Local Council Immediate Past Chair of Affiliate Presidents’ Council or Designee APHSA Executive Director (serves as secretary) 2 to 6 additional members (who bring specific areas of expertise, such as business development, marketing, finances, not-for- profit management, etc) Immediate Past President
Executive Governing Board Officers President Vice President Treasurer Secretary (Executive Director) Nominated by the Board and elected by the membership
APHSA Leadership Council AdvisorConnector Innovator
APHSA Leadership Council General Responsibilities Sets and oversees implementation of policy and practice agenda per Board’s strategic direction Helps coordinate transformation efforts across all APHSA affiliates and peer councils Draws on insights of volunteer leaders across the health and human services spectrum
APHSA Leadership Council Membership 25 representative-based memberships 11 State CEOs (dues paying members) 5 Local CEOs (dues paying members) 9 Affiliate representatives (one from each affiliate, designated by the respective Affiliate Executive Committee) (from dues paying state) Chair elected by body (state or local CEO); also serves on Executive Governing Board.
Peer Councils State CEO Council Provides a forum for governor appointed human service leaders to exchange knowledge and experiences Plays lead role in advancing national policy and practice agenda (e.g., meet with national policymakers, testify on the Hill, speak at APHSA and sister association events) Holds annual retreats (CEO and Harvard Summit) as well as informal gatherings at major APHSA events (e.g., annual Policy Forum) All state CEOs are members; non-dues paying members are invited to participate in Retreats ED serves as primary contact supported by Director of Strategic Initiatives Local CEO Council Promotes professional interests of local human service leaders Contributes to and advance national policy and practice agenda (provide input from local perspective, share innovations and stories of successful transformation, speak at APHSA and sister association events) Holds an annual meeting or retreat All dues paying Localities are members Led by an executive committee Has designated APHSA staff liaison Affiliate Presidents’ Council Serves as the coordinating entity within the APHSA structure for advancing the mutual commitments set out in our APHSA-Affiliate charters Builds cross affiliate connections and relationships Identifies ways to better leverage the resources of the Association and ensure consistency in operations Meet quarterly via video conference, with in-person, joint meeting with the Executive Governing Board Affiliate President OR Designee Staffed by APHSA Finance and Membership departments
APHSA Affiliates Discipline Experts Connectors Implementers
APHSA Affiliates Operations Currently nine Affiliates operate under APHSA’s single 501(c)(3) status APHSA Board and Bylaws govern overall operations Formal charters set forth the working partnership and expectations of APHSA and each Affiliate Each Affiliate has an executive leadership body with guiding bylaws that are consistent with APHSA bylaws
Affiliate Leadership AAICPC Executive Committee Members: ICPC Directors AASD Executive Committee Members: SNAP Directors NAPCWA Executive Committee Members: Child Welfare Directors NASCCA Executive Committee Members: Child Care Directors NASTA Executive Committee Members: TANF Directors
Affiliate Leadership ISM Executive Committee Members: CIOs and IT leaders NAPIPM Executive Committee Members: Agency staff with oversight of integrity/quality control NSDTA Executive Committee Members: Training and Development Administrators and Trainers AAPWA Executive Committee Members: Attorneys representing HHS agencies
Affiliate Executive Committees Responsibilities Leads affiliate in promoting the exchange of experience and knowledge among agencies within its respective professional discipline (e.g., child welfare, training of workers, IT). This includes planning program content for national conferences, as well as development of guidance and toolkits, and other means of sharing best practices. Provides input on regulations and legislation specific to its professional discipline. Works with APHSA Executive Governing Board and staff to develop annual goals, conference budgets, and expected contributions to the larger human services community. Assigns designees to the Leadership Council. Composition of the executive committee is established by each respective affiliate consistent with APHSA Bylaws.
Role that Respective APHSA Leadership Groups Play in Carrying Our Mission Setting Strategic Direction Board of Directors Transforming Systems (Leadership Council) Connecting Leaders (Peer Councils and Affiliates) Leveraging Expertise (Peer Councils and Affiliates)
Feedback Loop Strategic Playbook Identify Yearly Priorities Regular Reviews Board of Directors sets Strategic Direction APHSA staff support communication of the Direction through Strategic Playbook All Leadership entities develop APHSA- wide and Council/Affiliate-specific annual objectives and priorities APHSA staff prepare collective plan for review and adoption by APHSA Board Board approves annual plans with established metrics and dashboard for tracking progress; Board members assigned to support each affiliate Annual joint meeting of Board, Councils and Affiliate Presidents supports reflections on past year and look ahead
Example – Approval of New Policy Position Position Adopted APHSA Staff communicate to policymakers Position advanced through most appropriate APHSA leaders Leadership Council OR Affiliate Reviews** Draft Position Seek additional expertise from Affiliate(s) as needed APHSA staff make any necessary adjustments Leadership Council, Affiliate or APHSA Staff Identify Need Must meet mission and strategic direction set by Board* APHSA prepare draft position *If there is any question, the issue must be taken to the Executive Governing Board first. **APHSA staff to assist with decision as to whether issue should go to Leadership Council (cross-programmatic implications) or is of such detailed focus (e.g. regulations specific to a particular program), that it is most efficiently handled within the respective affiliate.
Example – Annual Event Planning Event Held APHSA staff coordinates all logistics at the event Host state and volunteers provide support Logistics and Program Content Designated APHSA staff coordinate logistics with approval of Affiliate EC on key points Affiliate EC or its conference planning committee work with liaison to design program and speakers Designated APSHA Staff Coordinates with Peer Councils and Affiliates to Initiate Planning Must meet mission and strategic direction set by Board* Identify dates and locations with input from Council or Affiliate EC *If there is any question, the issue must be taken to the Executive Governing Board first.
Example – Annual Budget Full Governing Board Reviews and Approves Budget APHSA Staff Share with All Leadership Entities Board Monitors Budget Audit- Finance Committee Reviews and Approves Budget Questions for ED and Finance Director Recommends to Full Board APHSA Staff Develop Draft Based on: Prior years - ActualsIdentified Priorities* *Priorities identified through annual planning process that includes input from Affiliates