Presentation to Consortium of Care MARYLAND DENTAL ACTION COALITION April 27, 2011
Mission of MDAC To develop and maintain a statewide partnership of individuals committed to improved health among all Marylanders through increased oral health prevention, education, advocacy, and access to oral health care.
History First established as the Dental Action Committee (DAC) in June 2007 By Secretary John M. Colmers Due to the death of 12 year old Deamonte Driver He died from an untreated tooth infection that spread to his brain
DAC – develop recommendations Dental reimbursement under the Maryland Medicaid program Public health strategies for addressing oral health care issues Oral health education and outreach to parents and caregivers, and Dentists’ participation in the Medicaid program
DAC - continued Issued report in September 2007 Seven recommendations – nearly all have been implemented MD is a national model for providing access to care for children who are disadvantaged and/or underserved
Creation of MDAC Established by DHMH, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and DentaQuest Foundation To ensure DAC’s recommendations are established and implemented Assure that the focus on access to care continues
Creation of MDAC - continued Articles of Incorporation filed on April 15, 2010 Expanded scope to address optimal oral health for all Marylanders Partnered with DHMH’s Office of Oral Health, stakeholders, to develop five-year oral health plan for MD
MDAC seeks to: Develop and monitor a State Oral Health Plan Advocate for oral health policy Monitor the progress of important Medicaid initiatives, advocate for continued increases in Medicaid reimbursement Support the development of a Statewide Oral Health Literacy campaign, targeted to families and human services providers
MDAC seeks to: Implement mandatory school screenings Increase membership, expand partnerships and institute strategic planning to prevent oral health disease and injury in MD
Maryland Oral Health Plan (MOHP) Includes input from 85+ stakeholders (including CoC members) Completed in February 2011 Will launch on May 17 Includes goals, objectives and action steps for the three focus areas 3 focus areas: – Access to oral health care – Oral disease and injury prevention – Oral health literacy and education
Implementation Develop Steering Committee and 3 subcommittees Include those necessary to do the work Prioritize the goals, objectives, and activities Develop timeline Monitor Evaluate annually
Other activities Advocacy (ACA, Medicaid reimbursement) Education Networking Partnerships and collaboration Resource development Oral Health Heroes 2011 Oral Health Summit
Organizational information Quarterly meetings Board and 6 standing committees guide the work 3 categories of membership Minimal annual dues
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