Describe Eisenhower’s leadership style and political philosophy concerning government. Discuss the status of American Society at mid-century and its major themes. Outline the basic elements of mass culture as well as the criticism of mass culture.
What were the results of the increased amount of suburbs in American during the 1950’s?
Written by economist John Kenneth Galbraith. Pointed out how well American Capitalism had worked since WWII. Urged less personal spending. More public funding. ◦ Schools, medical care, social services. Consumer goods and economic growth was defining factor for the post war period.
Believed cooperation, self- restraint and a disinterested public service could fix industrial strife, high inflation and partisan politics from Truman era. Believed in limited federal power and voluntary relationship between business and government.
Rose to leadership in army through playing it safe, listening to subordinates. “Middle of the Road.” Wanted to run the Government in a businesslike manner. ◦ Nine business men in cabinet. Let states and corporate interests guide domestic policy.
Submerged Land Acts. Oil exploration in Louisiana's bayous, America’s largest wetlands. Unregulated use of toxic chemicals. Use of DDT and other pesticides.
In the Legacy of the New Deal. Expanded Social Security and unemployment insurance. Created Department of Health, Education and Welfare. ◦ Appointed Oveta Culp Hobby, second Woman to hold a cabinet position. Helped sustain farm prices.
Federal Subsidizing helped millions of Americans. ◦ Helped reach middle class, attend college and technical schools and live in newly built suburbs. The Federal Housing Administration was created to extend the governments role on subsidizing the housing industry.
Insured long-term mortgage loans made by private lenders for home building. ◦ Attracted more private loaners. ◦ Only needed 10% down payment, low monthly interest rates. Most loans went to residential developments outside cities. Discriminated against multi-unit housing. Wanted neighborhoods to be same class and race.
Most suburbs were built as planned communities. Developer William Levitt described his firm as “The General Motors of the housing industry. Put up hundreds of identical houses a week. ◦ Precut materials, assembled onsite. By 1960, 17,00 houses, not one African American Family.
The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act. ◦ GI Bill of Rights The Federal Highway Act of ◦ Created the best road system in the world. The National Defense Education Act (NDEA) ◦ Created stronger science, math, technology education. ◦ Gave low interest loans for college students.
The Suburban Boom increased the idea of a nuclear family. ◦ The Feminine Mystique- voiced frustrations of suburban women. Religious rebirth. ◦ By mid 1950’s over 75% of Americans claimed they were church members. ◦ Churches built around new suburbs.
Became the embodiment of postwar suburbia. Cars became essential. ◦ Large road system. ◦ Many drive in facilities. ◦ “Centerless Cities.”
Similar life led to conforming to society. David Riesman- The Lonely Crowd ◦ “other-directed” William H. Whyte’s Organization Man ◦ Belief in belongingness. ◦ Needed to fit in with their jobs and communities. C. Wright Mills’ White Collar ◦ Men don’t just sell their time and energy to their jobs, the sell their personality too.
State Schools expanded and Technical Schools upgraded to full Universities. Factors for expansion ◦ GI Bill and NDEA ◦ Government spending on Research and Development in universities. ◦ A degree was a gateway to the middle class and a decent job. ◦ Business ideals were reflected within the University.
During WWII, government spent mass amounts of money in this field. Many dreaded diseases began to be phased out of American life. Polio Vaccine ◦ Between crippled 39,000 Americans annually. 58,000 in 1952.
Many poor and elderly couldn’t afford it. Rural communities lacked doctors and facilities. Decline of family doctors (house calls) Accused of doing unnecessary procedures. The American Medical Association (AMA) ◦ Did nothing to help expand increase of Doctors. ◦ Fought against Truman and Eisenhower’s attempts to expand medical care.
What were the results of the increased amount of suburbs in American during the 1950’s?