The Fall of the Soviet Union The End of the Cold War
Leonid Brezhnev Brezhnev Doctrine Soviet Union will intervene in any Eastern Bloc nation (Satellite Nations) which endangered communist rule. – Trying to stop any attempts for Satellite nations to break away from communism. – Stopped Czechoslovakia from leaving – Keep the buffer zone between Soviet Union and NATO nations. – Stop any attempt at capitalist and free election reform movements in the Satellite nations.
"...each Communist party is responsible not only to its own people, but also to all the socialist countries, to the entire Communist movement. Whoever forgets this, in stressing only the independence of the Communist party, becomes onesided. He deviates from his international duty... Discharging their internationalist duty toward the fraternal peoples of Czechoslovakia and defending their own socialist gains, the U.S.S.R. and the other socialist states had to act decisively and they did act against the antisocialist forces in Czechoslovakia."
Where is Afghanistan?
Soviet Afghan War The Soviet Union’s “Vietnam War” Soviets troops invaded Afghanistan in order to reestablish communist control. In reaction to the invasion, United States funded the Mujahadeen fighters supplying them with weapons to help them defend against Soviet Union.
Afghan Civil War Mujahedeen fighters, the Muslim opposition groups initially rebelled against the Soviets. However, turned on each others in an attempt to control the country—Afghan Civil War.
Taliban Taliban, an extreme Islamic Fundamentalist group took control of Afghanistan. They committed massacres throughout the country in order to solidify their power. Once in power they imposed strict Islamic laws Harbored terrorists (Left) Mullah Omar, the leader of the Taliban
War on Terror Al-Qaeda – Islamic Terrorist group that attacked the U.S. on September 11, They were protected by the Taliban
Mikhail Gorbachev The last leader of the Soviet Union. Under his leadership new reforms were introduced in order to save the Soviet Union – Perestroika – Capitalism – Glasnost – Freedom of speech – Policy of non-interference in the politics of Eastern European Nations
Revolts in Poland Worker’ protests led to demands for capitalism and free elections change in Poland. Solidarity Movement, led by Lech Walesa demanded free parliamentary elections. Lech Walesa, an electrician who became the leader of the Solidarity Movement will be elected as the president of Poland.
Revolts in Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia’s reform movements were crushed in But it remerged in “Velvet Revolution” Vaclav Havel, a famous writer who wrote about the oppression of communist governments was elected as the President of Czechoslovakia.
Revolts in Romania Romania had modernized under communist leader Nicolae Ceaușescu When Ceaușescu ordered his security forces to fire on demonstrators who demanded free elections it in sighted a violent overthrow of the government. Ceausescu and his wife was captured, tried and executed.
Revolts in East Germany In East Germany the Communist leader Erich Honecker ruled oppressively. He used the Stasi (Secret Police) to crush any opposition. Mass demonstration in 1989 forced him to open the “Berlin Wall.” – Germans celebrated by tearing down the wall. – Germany was reunited in 1990
The Fall of Soviet Union Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe led to the fall of the Soviet Union Boris Yeltsin was elected as the President of Confederation of Independent States – Fall of the Soviet Union led to great economic hardship in former Soviet Nations.
Before and After
Russia Existing competition and distrust between the U.S. and Russian Federation
Consequences of the Cold War United States becomes the sole Super Power of the world – the most powerful nation – Economically – Militarily – Politically (Influence in the world) What happened to Europe and Germany? What happened in Korea? What happened in Vietnam? What happened in Afghanistan?
OA 5 What happened in Europe What happened in Korea? What happened in Vietnam? What happened in Afghanistan? ? Negative USNegative USSR
Consequences of the Cold War Civil Wars Division of Countries Dictators Oppressive Governments New Countries U.S. as the sole Super Power
Cold War Legacy Russo-Georgian war 2008: Russia briefly invaded the country of Georgia when the country elected pro-western President. Annexation of Crimea 2014: Russia helped the region of Crimea separate from Ukraine. Pro-Russian unrest in Ukraine 2014: Russia is supporting Ukrainian separatists in their civil war. While the Western nations are supporting the Ukrainian government. Syrian Civil War – Syrian civil war started when the President Bashar Al-Assad of Syria brutally suppressed protestors who wanted more democracy in the country. This turned into a civil war. – Russia is supporting the Syrian Government sending weapons to Assad’s government. – United States is supporting Syrian rebels. – Civil war created a climate that helped create the terrorist group we know as the Islamic State (ISIL)
Essential Questions How did the rivalry between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. effect other countries from the Cold War era?
Independence Movements, Nationalism and Terrorism
Bosnian War and Ethnic Cleansing Break up of Yugoslavia Slovenia Croatia Bosnia Herzegovina (Bosnia) – In Bosnia, Serbs (Christians) was opposed to Bosnian independence – Bosnian Serbs with the support of Yugoslavia fought Bosnian Muslims and Croats – Atrocities were committed by Bosnian Serbs against the Bosnian Muslims – Ethnic Cleansing, Mass cases of rape, and missing and displaced people – U.N. and U.S. was forced to intervene, and Bosnia was separated into Muslim and Christian regions.