Civil Rights History 1940’s-1970’s Detroit Race Riot in June, 1943; 25 blacks dead; 9 whites; A. Philip Randolph, president of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters Randolph made three demands of the president i. Equal access to defense jobs ii. Desegregation of the armed forces iii. End to segregation in federal agencies March on Washington Movement FDR issued Executive Order 8802 in 1941 establishing Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC)
Truman Presidency Truman’s First term To Secure these rights Armed Forces Jackie Robinson
1950’s and Eisenhower Rock n Roll NAACP Earl Warren Brown v. Board of Education, 1954 Thurgood Marshall Massive Resistance Montgomery Bus Boycott Rev. Martine Luther King Jr.
1950’s and Eisenhower Crisis in Little Rock, Arkansas Little rock 9 101st airborne Southern Christian Leadership Conference Nonviolent resistance Sit-ins
Eisenhower and the 1960’s Greensboro Sit in 1960 Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) JFK and Civil Rights Militants CORE James Meredith Birmingham Alabama, MLK June 1963 – Governor George Wallace March of Washington – 1963
Johnson and Civil Rights Great Society War on Poverty Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 Head Start Housing of Urban Development (HUD) 24 th Amendment Civil Rights Bill of 1964 Title VII
Johnson and Civil Rights Voting Rights Act of 1965 Affirmative Action Philadelphia Plan Bakke Case-1978 Jesse Jackson Thurgood Marshall Forced Busing
Johnson and Civil Rights Black Power and racial Violence Black Separatism Marcus Garvey Malcolm X SNCC and Stokely Michaels Black Panthers Huey Newton and Bobby Seale
Johnson and Civil Rights Long Hot Summers Kerner Commission Civil Rights Movement: Memory Aid B raveBrown v. Board of Education, 1954 M artinMontgomery Bus Boycott, 1955 L eadsLittle Rock Crisis, 1957 G reenGreensboro sit-in, 1960 F reedomFreedom Riders, 1961 J unkiesJames Meredith, 1962 U ntilUniversity of Alabama, 1962 B irmingham Birmingham March, 1963 M archersMarch on Washington, 1963 C laimCivil Rights Act of 1964 V ictoryVoting Rights Act of 1965 A gainstAffirmative Action B igotedBlack Power (Malcolm X, Carmichael, Black Panthers) F reaksForced busing, 1971
Civil Rights and the 1960’s Warren Court Rights of Accused Legacy Election of 1968
Nixon and Civil Rights Civil Rights Nixon Philadelphia Plan Carter Reagan