Fundraising for Change “Let’s Organize” Fundraiser of the German Forum Community Organizing (FOCO) Presentation by FOCO May, 2015
Forum Community Organizing (FOCO) Founded 1993 to promote community organizing 6 Person Board, 60 Members, 300 Person Data Base, 2 Part-Time Organizing Staff, 1 Part-Time Administrative Staff, working regularly with 5-8 local community organizations (Baesweiler, Düren, Leipzig, Lübeck, München, Saarbrücken, Uslar, Wuppertal) Activities Provide common and local community organizing training and consulting person annual meeting Website, book publications, translations related to community organizing Founding member of ECON
October, 2013 Fundraising Training with Joan Flanagan
Thirty Participants Initial Dislikes about Fundraising “I do not feel comfortable asking for money. It feels like begging.” “We are competing with others who are doing fundraising.” “I feel disappointed when people do not give.” “Fundraising takes a lot of time.” “I do not feel comfortable asking for money from persons that I know have less money than I do.”
October, 2013 Fundraising Training with Joan Flanagan Thirty Participants Initial Likes about Fundraising “Fundraising gives our organization freedom and independence.” “It feels great when we are successful.” “When we raise money, we also can gain new ideas and directions for the organization.”
FOCO Let’s Organize Fundraiser – Steps Initial Steps 1. Form a Fundraising Committee 2. Identify members who will do follow-up personal “Asks” and ask them to make a pledge 3. Materials Prepared – brochure, appeal cover letter, pledge sheet, and thank you letter 4. Send twice-a-year FOCO Newsletter two weeks before Fundraiser Mailing 5. Mail Materials Personal Asks Send Thank You Letters Report Results in Following FOCO Newsletter
House Meeting Fundraiser Steps 1. FOCO Member invites family, friends, and work colleagues to their home or other meeting place 2. House Meeting a. Refreshments and Socializing b. FOCO Presentation and Grassroots Fundraiser c. Ask and Thank You Sometimes done in connection with birthday, retirement party, etc.
House Meetings and Other Fundraisers
FOCO 100 Members FOCO Membership Dues Euros for Individual Euros for Organization Euros for FOCO 100 Member
Fundraising Results - Financial Money Gathered Let’s Organize Fundraiser – 5,715 € Let’s Organize Fundraiser – 8,825 € 3. Money gathered at House Parties – approx. 2,000 € Donors FOCO 100 Members Comparisons 1. Annual Money Raised prior to 2013: 1,100 – 1,300 € Money Raised by FOCO – 11,800 € Money Raised by FOCO and Local Organizations from Grants and Grassroots Fundraiser (Reported at October, 2014 FOCO Annual Meeting) – approximately 100,000 €
Fundraising Results – Activities March, 2014 FOCO hires an additional part-time community organizer trainer and consultant September, 2014 FOCO hires part-time administrative assistant Increased number of community organizing trainings and consultant visits offered by FOCO Increased ownership and participation in FOCO activities, website contacts, etc.
Fundraising Results – Activities
Fundraising Results – Attitudes Towards Fundraising “It was great fun and a real sense of accomplishment when we were successful in raising more money for our work!” “These fundraising efforts helped to significantly expand FOCO’s work.” “It was very rewarding to see that many persons who gave the first year also gave the second year as well.” “I was deeply moved by persons who financially could not give much, but still gave. For example, one person gives 2 Euro per month.” “Fundraising is organizing – it helped FOCO engage new people in our work.”
For more information, please contact Forum Community Organizing e.V. at or visit the FOCO homepage at: