Submission July 2013 Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science&Tech. Slide 1 Project: IEEE LED(Light Emitting Diode) Interest Group (IG-LED) Submission Title: [Object based tracking and interactive function with In-building LED lights] Date Submitted: [17 th July, 2013] Source: [Jaesang Cha*, Soonho Jung*, Dongha Shim*, SangWoon Lee**, Banghyun Kim***, Jintae Kim****] [Seoul National University of Science & Technology*, Namseoul University**,CUE&WORKS Inc*** and Fivetek Co., Ltd****] Address : [Seoul National University of Science & Technology, Seoul, Korea] Voice: [ ], FAX: [ ], Re: [] Abstract:[Object based tracking and interactive lighting with In-building LED lights are introduced.] Purpose:[Contribution to IEEE IG-LED] Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by IEEE doc.: IEEE led
SubmissionSlide 2 Contents What is LED light control system using object tracking? Requirement of LED light control system LED-based Tracking/Monitoring System Object-based interactive function lighting concept Experiments Results of the object tracking and lighting control / monitoring systems Example of Object based tracking and interactive LED lighting System for In(Out)-building Application Conclusion Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science&Tech
SubmissionSlide 3 What is LED light control system using object tracking? Object based tracking and LED light control system -Uses conventional technologies associated with LED, various sensors -Improves the convergence works of LED light applications (tracking, monitoring, smart lighting, control, etc.) Key issue in the object based tracking and LED light control -Monitoring and control technologies using smart devices -Image processing technologies for the tracking and detection -Hybrid technologies for the various applications Improves the efficiency of Object based applications through object based tracking and monitoring system! Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science&Tech.
SubmissionSlide 4 Object based services has constraints of FOV : coverage and performance are restricted There are possible to seamless service and broad-coverage services through object tracking LED light based tracking system has the advantages in services-coverage and performance Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science&Tech. Requirements of LED light control system angle Cover Tracking
SubmissionSlide 5 LED-based Tracking/Monitoring System Advantages Uses existing infra structure(LED lighting, smart devices) Taking advantages of existing technology and compensates Variety of applications High securities, resolution (Accurate detection ) Seamless and user-oriented services Weakness High Complexity High Costs (because of additional sensors and devices) Object based Tracking and LED light control system have many advantages. but there are some weaknesses. Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science&Tech.
SubmissionSlide 6 It is possible to provide a seamless service based on LED lighting using object tracking technology Sensors for object tracking : image sensor, ultrasonic sensor, infrared sensor, RF sensor, etc. Additionally, lighting and dimming control is possible by control of R, G, B components It can be implemented a seamless lighting service using tracking technology based on sensors (Image, Infrared, Ultrasonic, and etc.) Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science&Tech. Object-based interactive lighting concept object-based Tracking
SubmissionSlide 7 Possibility of seamless service based on LED lighting using object tracking sensor Accurate human tracking sensors implemented combining image sensor, ultrasonic sensor and infrared sensor A MCU board implemented for the sensors monitoring and control It can be implemented a seamless lighting service using tracking technology based on various sensors (Image, Infrared, Ultrasonic) and MCU board Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science&Tech. Experiments Results of object tracking Human tracking Delay Control Distance Control US Sensor IR Sensor Image Sensor IR Sensor US Sensor
SubmissionSlide 8 Basic Object tracking functions are implemented by LED Stage light plus sensors and MCU LED coverage is expanded the Object tracking using In-building LED light Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science&Tech. Experiment Results of the LED Lighting control system Tracking pattern ※ Equipment support : cue&works inc. in korea Expanded Coverage
SubmissionSlide 9 It is possible to retain LOS environment through LED light system and object tracking LED-based communication has high performance. Object based system has the high performance similar to LOS environment through object tracking using LED light Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science&Tech. Performance of Object Tracking using LED light
SubmissionSlide 10 Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science&Tech. Example of Lighting Control & Monitoring System Web based operation is possible ( even using smart devices) There are possible to manage LED light based building monitoring using control system based on the web and smart devices Tracking Algorithm
SubmissionSlide 11 Monitoring and tracking LED positions are experimented for building-management Associated technologies : smart device monitoring and alarm, LED tracking, sensing and detection, other sensor There are possible to manage LED light based Building Monitoring using Object based tracking and sensing/detection technologies Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science&Tech. Example 1. Building management system for lighting control Outdoor Building monitoring Indoor Building monitoring
SubmissionSlide 12 Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science&Tech. Example2. Application of smart devices LED tracking and LED states (On-Off, Dimming, color, etc.) were monitored IP based Smart Pad Controller(Alarm/Push notification /SNS link etc.) was implemented IP based Smart Pad controller for object tracking of LED light was implemented
SubmissionSlide 13 Conclusion - Synergy effects by convergence of various technologies (LED light & communication, monitoring, tracking, smart device, sensor) - Advantages of the object based tracking & LED light system - The Object based tracking sensor based LED light and communication function is tested by various implementation. - More researches are needed for the further development of object light based technologies Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science&Tech.