THIS IS AN OPTION FOR THE OPENING TITLE SLIDE Insurance Financial Planning Retirement Investments Wealth The Graduate Backpack 2015 Mapping the income need to the right solution
FINANCIAL security and safety … The Graduate Backpack SILSS Distribution Support
NB: ill-fitting = DISASTER The Graduate Backpack SILSS Distribution Support
Min & max cover limits Income Protection Benefits Min: R3 000 per life insured p.m. Max: R per life insured p.m. (to max of a % of Income according to sliding scale) Sickness Benefit (Max cover) R per life insured p.m. (to max of % of GPI according to sliding scale): Income protection Income sliding scale Income (I) / Gross Professional Income (GPI) Up to and including 55 anb Older than 55 anb I/GPI ≤ R %77% R < I/GPI ≤ R %72% R < I/GPI ≤ R %68% R < I/GPI ≤ R %64% R < I/GPI ≤ R %60% R < I/GPI ≤ R %55% R < I/GPI60%51% Effectively 100% of after tax income The Graduate Backpack SILSS Distribution Support
Post-retirement Impairment Income (Whole of life) No WP Sickness Benefit Temporary Income Disability Overheads Expenses Protector Graduates – income protection spectrum Spouse Protector Child Protector Optional riders Short Term Income Benefits Long Term Income Benefits Income post-retirement Income after death Extended Disability Income Fixed cease age or Whole of Life Total & Permanent Disability Income 24-Month WP No WP Pre-retirement Impairment Income No WP Death Income No WP OR The Graduate Backpack SILSS Distribution Support
Income protection considerations Short term income benefits The Graduate Backpack SILSS Distribution Support
Income protection considerations Medium to long term income benefits The Graduate Backpack SILSS Distribution Support