The Dark Days of Israel’s Judges A Study of the Book of Judges The Dark Days of Israel’s Judges A Study of the Book of Judges Lesson 5 Judges 4-1:-24 Strong Women, Weak-kneed (Wimpy) Men Or Wonder Woman and the Wimp Or Sisera Goes to Jael September 13, 2009
I.Introduction A.Overcoming personal temptation B.Things we need to know 1.This is the most popular text for scholarly study (as fertile feminist soil). 2.This is a two part account. a.Prose – chapter 4 b.Poetry – chapter 5 (written first) 3.Our text (chapter 4) is skillfully written 4.Chapter 5 is the key to interpretation 5.Our texts pertain to northern Israel, and to the plains never controlled by Israel (chapter 1, chariots) 6.As my title suggests, I will emphasize Jael.
II.The Setting (4:1-3) A.After Ehud’s death (vs. 1) B.Israel sins once again (vs. 1) C.Evil in the eyes of the Lord (v. 1) D.God sells Israel into the hands of Jabin, a Canaanite whose commander is Sisera (vs. 2) E.Iron chariots (again – vs. 3) F.Oppressed 20 years (vs. 3) G.The background supplied by 5:6-8 H.Israel cries out to the Lord (vs. 3)
III.Meet Deborah and Barak (4-10) A.Deborah is introduced first 1. She is a “shade tree prophetess” -- under the “Palm of Deborah” (vs. 5) 2. Between Ramah and Bethel (see 20:26-27). 3. She was “judging” (NAU, CSB, ESV, NKJV), not “leading” (NIV, NET) Israel B.Meet Barak – (the Wimp) 1. Deborah speaks God’s command as a prophetess (vs. 6) 1. God gives the number of troops, and names the place of battle, assuring Barak of success (vs. 7) C.Wonder Woman is coming (vss. 8-10)
IV.A significant parenthesis – Heber, the fence rider – another wimp (vs. 11). A.We have seen Heber’s people earlier (1:16) B.Heber has separated from Israel C.Heber has formed an alliance (covenant) with the Canaanites D.Heber is trying to ride the fence. V.The defeat of Sisera’s army (4:12-16). A.Barak sent to Mt. Tabor B.Sisera lured to the Kishon River C.Sisera’s army is “routed/confused” and slain by the sword – how so (5:8)? 1. Exodus 23:27; 1 Samuel 7: Samuel 13:19-22; 14:20 3. Judges 5:20-22
VI.Sisera’s dishonorable death (4:17-22) A.Sisera flees to Heber’s house to exercise his covenant protection B.Jael meets Sisera, giving assurance of safety and protection (also bed and breakfast) C.Jael drives her point home D.Barak comes to find the honor has gone to a woman, as prophesied VII.Israel finally gets it right – 4:23-24) A.Jabin subdued (4:23) B.Jabin gradually destroyed (4:24) VIII.Conclusion
Copyright © 2009 by Robert L. Deffinbaugh. This is the edited PowerPoint presentation of Lesson 5 in the series, The Dark Days of Israel’s Judges, prepared by Robert L. Deffinbaugh for September 13, Anyone is at liberty to use this lesson for educational purposes only, with or without credit.