IEEE Educational Activities Board Vice Presidents’ Report June 2008 Evangelia Micheli-Tzanakou
Topics l Planning Document V.6 l Introduced draft HC – distributed to eab and provided via last week (date?) l Strategic Planning Retreat results l Summarized SP retreat results – strengths/weakness, etc. l Bylaw I l ExCom Report l Marketing and Sales research findings l Future TIPS l WIE (RWEP, Magazine, Sections) l Biometrics Book l Intel President’s Scholarship l Technical English Speaking workshop in Russia l Professionals in Service Workshop l Summer Schools on Emerging Technologies l EAB e-zine l Webinars Associated with ExpertNow
EAB Strategic Planning l Preliminary results came in March 2008 (3a) l Strengths and Weaknesses identified l Many Opportunities are mentioned l Potential Barriers also exist l Suggestions as to how to strengthen our position l Next steps l Possibly new retreat in November l Alignment of EAB Strategic Planning with IEEE’s SP l Comments on the report are appreciated
Bylaw I EAB proposes a revision to this bylaw in order to add the positions of the IEEE Expert Now Editorial Board Chair and the EAB N&A Committee Chair as voting members of the EAB Proposed Action: Resolved that revisions to IEEE Bylaw I Educational Activities Board, in the form presented to the Board of Directors, shall be approved. This action increases the number of the EAB body from 17 to 19 Financial implications: Yr1 $1500, Yr2 $4500 and increase of $500 /year there after
Report to the ExCom l A written report is attached (3d) l Updates on almost all programs were also given in a 5 min oral report
Market Research Some Key Preliminary Findings l Many respondents feel the availability of content is lacking in Expert Now and thus want… l Wider range of topics and more depth/technical issues in current topics l Increased complexity and length of modules l Study materials: printouts and note taking capabilities for later reference (now - Course Notes) l Related references to pursue after completion (now - References) l Interactive features (Ability to ask questions during the module)
Market Research Some Key Preliminary Findings l The idea of bundling a series of courses together ranging from an overview to more advanced topics is of strong interest to respondents, particularly if it includes a cost savings as well
The Five “Needs” of Expert Now l Courses need to go beyond the intro level l Courses need to be organized into curricula l Curricula need to be focused on customer base l Expert Now needs to work with certification product development l A strategy for an IEEE course test certification program l IEEE continuing ed products need to be under the same branding & product management l The new Product Management department should play a major role Jonathan Dahl Staff Director, IEEE Sales & Marketing IEEE Financial Committee
TISP Upcoming TISP Workshops: l Cordoba, Argentina—Sept l Port of Spain, Trinidad—Sept l San Francisco, California—Nov. 2008
IEEE Expert Now Modules Are… l Professionally produced, IEEE conference quality education accessible to customers world-wide 24 hours a day, 7 days a week l Delivered via easy to use player-viewer, audio and video files, diagrams, and animations and include… l ‘Course Notes’ to save or print that include transcript, glossary terms, updated references, and author bio l Optional CEUs for maintaining professional licensure
IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Goals/Projects and Highlights Update as of June 2008 Karen Panetta and Keyana Tennant
Outreach Events in 2008 l In 2008, WIE continues to host collaborative events in an effort to establish IEEE WIE as a recognized international leader for supporting and developing women in engineering. l As of June 2008, WIE has conducted more than 70 Outreach events worldwide, including pre-university educational outreach attracting well over 11,500 participants.
2008 WIE Committee and Staff Activities l WIE Magazine (June/December 2008) l WIE Clementina Scholarship (in progress) l IEEE WIE Edith Hannigan Scholarship (candidate chosen) l Educational Outreach (on-going) l Providing assistance with the formation of new WIE Affinity Groups and support of ongoing activities (on-going) l Seek for collaboration opportunities with other organizations with similar interests (on-going) l Organizing receptions at major technical conferences to enhance networking and to promote membership in WIE, market of WIE Magazine (on-going) l WIE attendance at IEEE Conferences (Sections Congress) l Administering the IEEE Student-Teacher and Research Engineer/Scientist (STAR) Program to mentor young women in junior and high schools in conjunction with EEES l Recognizing women’s outstanding achievements through IEEE Award nominations (on-going) l Encourage and Support women to seek IEEE Member Grade advancement to Senior Member and Fellow (on-going) l Advocate women in leadership roles in IEEE governance
WIE E-Magazine June 2008 launched l The next issue of the WIE E- Magazine, Women in Power will launch December 2008
Monthly WIE Newsletter l As of June 2008 WIE Staff and WIE Volunteer produced 6 monthly WIE NewslettersWIE Newsletters l Articles on Career information, Educational Outreach, reports on IEEE WIE, WIE Affinity Group activities, IEEE news, Resources, and more
Growth of WIE Affinity Groups l As of June 2008, 200 WIE Affinity Groups in over 45 countries. 13 pending formation
STAR/EEES l The STAR (Student-Teacher and Research Engineer/Scientist) is a mentoring program that encourages young women in junior high and high schools to pursue careers in mathematics, science and engineering. l June STAR Call for Projects developed in collaboration with the Engineering Equity Extension Services (EEES) – National Science Foundation Grant to provide funding for approved projects that support the current and emerging knowledge bases on gender equality, engineering education, and project management to pre-university students.
Intel ISEF Presidents Scholarship l The winner receives: l $10,000 evenly dispersed over 4 years of undergraduate study l Four year IEEE Student Membership and Student Society Membership l Framed certificate and engraved plaque
And the winner is……. Harikrishna Rallapalli for his Low-Cost Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy Package
Other l Biometrics Book-Wiley/IEEE Press l Technical English Speaking workshop in Russia l Professionals in Service Workshop (2008) l Summer Schools on Emerging Technologies (2009) l EAB e-zine l Webinars Associated with Expert Now
Thank You.