Kate Chopin ( )
Meet Kate Chopin First female writer in the United States to portray frankly the passions and discontents of women confined to traditional roles as wives and mothers. For this she was roundly condemned in her time and is widely praised today.
Katherine O’Flaherty Born on February 8, 1850 in St. Louis, Missouri Thomas O’Flaherty, her father, was of Irish descent Eliza Faris, her mother, was of French descent
Strong Women Eliza O’Flaherty – A member of the French- Creole community. Widowed at age 27, Kate’s mother never remarried. Her grandmother, Madame Charleville, and great-grandmother had been widowed at an early age and never remarried. Her great-great- grandmother and her great-great grandfather were the first couple to be granted a legal separation in St. Louis.
Early Education Sent to the Academy of the Sacred Heart at age 5, she left after only 2 months when her father died. Her great-grandmother taught her music, history, French, and the need to “live life clearly and fearlessly.” Two years later, Kate returned to school. Academy of the Sacred Heart Grand Coteau, Louisiana
Kate: The Woman Met Oscar Chopin at 19 and married him on June 9, Moved to New Orleans. The cosmopolitan city suited her. After the failure of his business, he moved his family to Natchitoches Parish. Oscar died in 1883 after contracting swamp fever. He left Kate with 6 children.
Kate and Four of Her Children
Kate: The Writer After having moved back to St. Louis, Kate’s mother died. Kate started writing to ease her pain and to help support her children. I suppose this is what you would call unwomanly; but I have got into the habit of expressing myself. It doesn't matter to me, and you may think me unwomanly if you like.
Kate Chopin: A Re-Awakening PBS peered into Kate Chopin’s worldPBS peered into Kate Chopin’s world Click on the hyperlink to view a clip from the PBS documentary on Chopin’s life.
Death Kate dies on August 20, 1904 of a cerebral hemorrhage after attending the St. Louis World’s Fair.
The Story of an Hour Published in Vogue magazine –Provided an audience when book publishing houses were unwilling to do so. Written during the 1890s, a period of social tension. Organizations were pushing women’s suffrage.
The Story of an Hour Many women, however, especially in the south, were being raised with a special sense of “a woman’s place” at home. Women had few legal rights. Chopin criticized the institution of marriage and wrote about women who struggled against social convention to be individuals.