Arteries: Carry blood carrying O 2 away from the heart to the cells Veins: Take blood carrying CO 2 back to the heart and lungs Capillaries: Allow the O 2 and CO 2 to pass through to the cells for respiration What does each blood vessel do?
Label your diagram: Discuss: What are the differences between veins, arteries and capillaries? Why do they have these differences?
Arteries: Have narrow diameter to create high blood pressure to ensure the blood pumps all around the body Have thick walls to cope with the high pressure Veins: Have thin walls and wide diameter because blood pressure is much lower Capillaries: They are one cell thick so O 2 and CO 2 can pass through to the cells easily Lots of them to create large surface area
“YMCA” Quiz For each of the following questions, use your arms to sign: A = Artery V = Vein C = Capillary
I have thick walls A
I carry de-oxygenated blood V
I am just 1 cell thick C
I carry blood to the heart V
I have high pressure A
I carry CO 2 V
I carry blood to the heart V
I am between the veins and the arteries C
I carry O 2, glucose and amino acids to the cells A
I am responsible for absorption to and from cells C
I carry blood from the heart A
I have thin walls and low pressure V
On the count of 3, put “the pipes” in order of increasing thickness C – V – A
1) Clip: how to fix a hole in the heart (2min) 2) Then: what causes a heart attack? 3) Clip: heart attack in 3D (1min)
Worksheet: Transport for respiration Do not write on the sheet Hand it back in at the end of the lesson!
Worksheet: Transport for respiration 1)Plasma (not a TV...) carries water around the body, and glucose is dissolved in this plasma 2)Red blood cells carry the oxygen in the blood 3)Haemoglobin is the chemical inside the blood which carries the oxygen 4)Arteries carry “oxygenated” blood away from the heart to our cells. Veins carry “de-oxygenated” blood (containing carbon dioxide) from the cells back to the heart and lungs 5)“Well adapted” means “suited” 6)Capillaries lie in between arteries and veins and they allow O 2 and CO 2 to pass in to the cells. They can do this because they are very thin – only one cell thick 7)Red blood cells are well adapted for carrying O 2 because they are flexible and their shape can carry a lot of haemoglobin