Support for the coordination of activities 1 Joint EuroHORCs - European Commission ERA-NET workshop Markku Warras Acting Head of Unit Directorate General for Research European Commission Den Haag, 20 June 2006 European Commission Research DG EuroHORCs Markku Warras, HoU f.f., DG RTD-B2
Support for the coordination of activities 2 Coordination of National Programmes proposed actions under FP7 Continuation and reinforcement of the ERA-NET scheme New Pilots for Article EuroHORCs Markku Warras, HoU f.f., DG RTD-B2
Support for the coordination of activities 3 Continuity of ERA-NET as the scheme providing a framework for the coordination of public research programmes (new topics) Broadening and deepening the scope of existing ERA-NETs (to broaden the partnership and scope of the ERA-NETs and deepen the activities towards mutual opening of programmes) Introduction of the ERA-NET PLUS module ERA-NET scheme under FP EuroHORCs Markku Warras, HoU f.f., DG RTD-B2
Support for the coordination of activities 4 New the EU financial support to top up a joint call Provide an incentive to organise joint calls for proposals between national/regional research Programmes, whereby: - The joint call shall pool the resources between the participating programmes -The Community shall provide a financial top up topping up at the appropriate level (e.g. 33 %) [ Applicable only in a limited number of cases ] ERA-NET PLUS Objective EuroHORCs Markku Warras, HoU f.f., DG RTD-B2
Support for the coordination of activities 5 - One joint call to be implemented per proposal - Participation of at least five MS or AS in the joint call - Minimum financial volume of the joint call: 5 million - Joint evaluation of proposals, based on peer review - Only transnational projects can be financed out of the joint call for proposals ERA-NET PLUS Criteria EuroHORCs Markku Warras, HoU f.f., DG RTD-B2
Support for the coordination of activities 6 l Funding scheme : Annex III of FP 7 proposal Specific programme, work programme and call for proposals, will specify: - Type of funding scheme - Categories of participants - Type of activities to be funded ERA-NET PLUS : use of a coordination and support action Form of the grant : Reimbursement of eligible cost as under Article 30.1 rules for participation : to combine reimbursement of eligible cost with flat rates ERA-NET PLUS : funding based on real coordination cost plus a flat rate ERA-NET PLUS Legal Basis for Funding EuroHORCs Markku Warras, HoU f.f., DG RTD-B2