Neural Control
Nervous System Functions (Neurons) Sensory input Detect & receive Internal or external Integration Process & interpret Motor output Muscles & glands
Nerve Pathway Stimulus Sensory Neurons Interneurons Motor Neurons EffectorsResponse
Nervous System Types Nerve Net Cnidarians Sensory neurons in epidermis Motor neurons in all tissues
Nervous System Types Ladder-Like Plathyhelminthes Long nerves Ganglia (“brain”) Integration
Nervous System Types Advanced Invertebrates More advanced Cephalized Brain Ventral nerve cord Branching nerves
Nervous System Types Vertebrate More advanced Many more neurons 1 million in insects Vertebrates 1,000-1 billion more! Two divisions Central nervous system Peripheral nervous system
Nerve Cells Neuron Primary cell type Conducts impulses Neuroglial Support/nourish neuron Non-excitatory 9:1 ratio
Neuroglial Cells—CNS
Neuroglial Cells—PNS
Neurons Characteristics Excitable Longevity High Metabolic Rate Sometimes Large Amitotic May Regenerate
Neurons Sensory (afferent) Detects stimuli Carry signal to CNS Interneuron (association) Transmit between neurons in CNS Motor (efferent) Carry signal to muscle or gland
Neurons Axon Soma Dendrite Myelin sheath Axon terminal Synapse
Neurons Myelin Sheath Insulating Myelinated transmit faster
Neurons Synapse Chemical Electrical
Neurotransmitters Acetylcholine Most common Neuromuscular junction Norepinephrine Involuntary functions Dopamine Many functions Behavior & mental ability Serotonin Mood Sleep
Nerve Impulse Resting potential Na + higher outside of cell K + higher inside of cell
Nerve Impulse
Sodium gates open Sodium moves into cell Action potential starts Potassium gates open Potassium moves out of cell Electrical charges across membrane switch “Wave” of charge moves along axon
Nerve Impulse Myelinated axons transmit signal faster
Nerve Impulse All-or-nothing Refractory period Cannot respond to signal
Central Nervous System Brain & spinal cord White matter—myelinated Grey matter—unmyelinated Meninges Cerebrospinal fluid
Central Nervous System Brain Alligator—0.003% body weight Sperm whale—0.06% Rat—0.5% Human—2%
Brain Cerebrum Integrates & analyzes Frontal lobe—motor control Parietal lobe—sensory from body Occipital lobe—vision Temporal lobe—hearing, emotions
Brain Thalamus Relay station Memories, emotions Hypothalamus Homeostasis Sleep, sex, thirst, etc. Medulla Oblongata Heart rate, breathing, blood pressure Involuntary muscle contractions
Brain Pons Fine-tune breathing Hearing/sight reflexes Cerebellum Coordinate movement Gordon Weebles
Brain Limbic System Learning Memory Fear & pleasure Facial expressions
Peripheral Nervous System Cranial & spinal nerves
Peripheral Nervous System 12 pairs Cranial Nerves 31 pairs Spinal Nerves
Peripheral Nervous System Somatic Sensory signals to skeletal muscle Synapses in brain or spinal cord Reflexes
Peripheral Nervous System Reflex arc
Peripheral Nervous System Autonomic Involuntary Cardiac muscle Smooth muscle Glands
Autonomic Nervous System Sympathetic “Fight or flight” Excitement Exercise Emergency Embarassment Parasympathetic “Rest & digest” Digestion Defecation Diuresis
Autonomic Nervous System OrganParasympatheticSympathetic Eye (pupil)ConstrictDilate GlandsStimulates secretionInhibits secretion Heart muscleSlows & steadies rateIncreases rate & force LungsConstricts bronchiolesDilates bronchioles Digestive tractIncreases digestionDecreases digestion BladderPromotes voidingInhibits voiding Mental activityNo effectIncreases alertness
Autonomic Nervous System