WP 5 Transnational activities
How to organize How to finance Evaluation procedure How to make selection Promotion of the results
Strengths Proportional allocation based on the assurance of strategic participation and direct sharing of results Saving resources, avoiding overlapping Successful way to tackle emerging problems Sharing of information
Weaknesses Calculation of share to the budget The linkage between budget, topics and promotion of results might be problematic Doubt about the strategic necessity to cooperate and to benefit from the cooperation People are greedy, so its easier to open national programmes instead of creating common research programme
Opportunities Improved all kind of communication and optimized trading and economics Improved reputation of food safety sciences Acquire more funding and support Optimise the overall quality of food safety sciences of the member countries
Threats Lack of governmental continuity/commitment Emerging risks Political instability
Common pot approach requires a very strong management (board) to establish contribution and allocation policies If common pot is too difficult then the direct contribution should work. Selection procedure needs to be robust ….. How to go on?