Food Safety Research Programming in Bulgaria - organization and financing TSVETAN TSVETKOV
Food Safety in Bulgaria
Legislation Framework legislation: Framework legislation: –Law on Food Special legislation: Special legislation: - Law on Veterinary Activities - Law on Feed - Law on Plant Protection - Law on Genetically Modified Organisms Secondary legislation: ordinances Secondary legislation: ordinances
Legislation Law on Food introducing partially: - Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety
Framework Legislation Law on food Amendment of the Law on Food The draft will introduce: - Regulation 178/ full - Regulation 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs - principles - Regulation 882/2004 on official controls performed to ensure the verification of compliance with feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare rules - principles
Basic legislation Law on Veterinary Activities A new LVA will introduce the principles of: A new LVA will introduce the principles of: - Regulation 852/ Regulation 853/2004 laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin hygiene rules for food of animal origin - Regulation 854/2004 laying down specific rules for the organization of official controls on for the organization of official controls on products of animal origin intended for human products of animal origin intended for human consumption consumption - Regulation 882/2004
Basic Legislation Law on Feed After amendment of the Law on Feed it will introduce the principles of: - Regulation 183/2005 laying down requirements for feed hygiene requirements for feed hygiene - Regulation 178/ Regulation 882/2004
Basic Legislation Law on Plant Protection – concerning Food Safety introducing: Food Safety introducing: - Requirements on the products for plant protection and on the fertilizers - Applying of the fertilizing methods and requirements on the special techniques - Control on contaminants in raw plant materials, soil and water intended for irrigation – Principles on control of primary production of plant origin After amendment of the Law it will introduce principles of the Regulation 852/2004
Basic Legislation Law on Genetically Modified Organisms introducing: - Directive 2001/18 on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified the environment of genetically modified organisms organisms - Directive 90/219 on the contained use of genetically modified micro-organisms - Regulation 1946/2003 on transboundary movements of genetically modified organisms - Regulation 65/2004 establishing a system for the development and assignment of unique identifiers for genetically modified organisms
INTER-GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY A National Council on Food Safety has been established within the Council of Ministers as provided in the Law on Food Main task: to co-ordinate the state policy on food safety
National Council on Food Safety Competences: to propose to the Council of Ministers modifications in the food safety legislation in accordance with EU principles; to propose to the Council of Ministers modifications in the food safety legislation in accordance with EU principles; to propose to the Council of Ministers structural and administrative changes in the food control system; to propose to the Council of Ministers structural and administrative changes in the food control system; to co-ordinate the activities of the competent authorities and public organisations with respect to food control; to co-ordinate the activities of the competent authorities and public organisations with respect to food control; to co-ordinate the participation at expert level in the work of international organisations on matters related to food safety. to co-ordinate the participation at expert level in the work of international organisations on matters related to food safety.
Governmental authorities The Ministry of Health The Ministry of Health The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
NATIONAL CENTER FOR AGRARIAN SCIENCES (NCAS) Carried out fundamental scientific investigations and applied extential activities in the field of agriculture and food industry. Carried out fundamental scientific investigations and applied extential activities in the field of agriculture and food industry. The NCAS consists of 22 institutes, agrotechparks and regional centers for scientific service in the area of agriculture The NCAS consists of 22 institutes, agrotechparks and regional centers for scientific service in the area of agriculture
Financial sources for implementation of the scientific research programmes Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry ( Budgetary fund) National Centre for Agrarian Sciences Institutes within the system of National Centre for Agrarian Sciences (including the Institute of Cryobiology and Food Technology)
The ICFT is a unique institute in the system of the National Centre for Agrarian Sciences, the only one of its kind in the country, which resolves at high scientific and technological level the problems for the branch and the populations security in extreme or critical situations. ICFT was created on the basis of the founded 1973 Institute of Cryobiology and Lyophilization, since 2001 were incorporated : - the part of the Institute for Grain Food and Fodder Products; - the Institute of Brewing and Hop industry; - the Facility for Development and Implementation of Biologically Active Substances; - The Laboratory for Radioecology and Radioisotops Investigation was included to the ICFT 2003 INSTITUTE OF CRYOBIOLOGY AND FOOD TECHNOLOGY – SOFIA (ICFT)
The main Research priorities of ICFT are : 1.Cryobiology and cryobiotechnology; 2.Quality of life,prophilaxis and healthy foods and bioproducts; foods and bioproducts; 3.Resources -saving, environment-friendly and waste-less technology; and waste-less technology; 4.Quality,preservation,security and safety foods and bioproducts; foods and bioproducts;
INSTITUTE OF CRYOBIOLOGY AND FOOD TECHNOLOGY – SOFIA (ICFT) ICFT conducts scientific investigations and extension service activity in the field of cryobiotechnology, nutrition, food and beverage technology. The management of the scientific programmes is carried out by highly - qualified scientific researchers and highly competent staff.
INSTITUTE OF CRYOBIOLOGY AND FOOD TECHNOLOGY – SOFIA (ICFT) The investigation are carried out in the following directions: Conductance of fundamental scientific and applied studies in the field of cryobiology and lyophilization Conductance of fundamental scientific and applied studies in the field of cryobiology and lyophilization Development and implementation of lyophilized foods based on different raw materials, products for prevantive-curative nutrition or nutrition under extreme conditions. Development and implementation of lyophilized foods based on different raw materials, products for prevantive-curative nutrition or nutrition under extreme conditions.
INSTITUTE OF CRYOBIOLOGY AND FOOD TECHNOLOGY – SOFIA (ICFT) - Wine and spirituous beverages technology, organic grape and wine, sensory evaluation, functional beverages and foods; -Grain storage technology; special wheat, maize, rye, triticale and soya flour, special mixed breads; foods on cereal basis, HACCP.
INSTITUTE OF CRYOBIOLOGY AND FOOD TECHNOLOGY – SOFIA (ICFT) - Biochemical, toxicological and microbiological studies of raw materials and food products, HACCP, yeast and lactic acid bacteria; - Biochemical, toxicological and microbiological studies of raw materials and food products, HACCP, yeast and lactic acid bacteria; - Technology and utilization of biologically active substances, usage for overcoming the stress factors influence on the different cultures; - Technology and utilization of biologically active substances, usage for overcoming the stress factors influence on the different cultures; - Studies in the field of application of ionizing emissions (-rays) and laser emissions (helio- neon) for stimulation and prolonging foods shell-life. - Studies in the field of application of ionizing emissions (-rays) and laser emissions (helio- neon) for stimulation and prolonging foods shell-life.
CONCLUSION Through its top scientific achievements embodying a lot of scientific knowledge, the Research Institute of Cryobiology and Food Technology complies with the modern requirements for effectiveness and competitiveness of the new market realities and successful adaptation to the EU standards.