ESC meeting Den Haag 28 - 29 September 2006 UPDATE: WORKSHOP - WP 4 - JOINT ACTIVITIES WP facilitator - Alisdair Wotherspoon, FSA UK.


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Presentation transcript:

ESC meeting Den Haag September 2006 UPDATE: WORKSHOP - WP 4 - JOINT ACTIVITIES WP facilitator - Alisdair Wotherspoon, FSA UK

Workpackages WP4 Joint Activities WP2 Information Exchange WP3 Strategic Activities WP4 Joint Activities WP5 Transnational Activities The objective of the workpackage is: The objective of the workpackage is: to develop a joint action plan dealing with the new opportunities and gaps to develop a joint action plan dealing with the new opportunities and gaps e.g. training activities and cooperative networks of key actors within the identified selected joint strategic topics. e.g. training activities and cooperative networks of key actors within the identified selected joint strategic topics. WP6 External Communication

WP4: Joint Activities First task: Undertake an evaluation of the needs to address any shortfalls in expertise/capability and agreement on how to take forward work on new opportunities/gaps, such as deciding priorities and agreeing procedures. A roadmap for action will be developed. Relevant milestones/deliverables: D5 - flyer on joint training activity event in food safety - done D10 - report on joint action plan in food safety M14 - Workshop on joint training activities in food safety - in preparation

WP4: Joint Activities First milestone Workshop on joint training activities - to build on outputs from WP3 of identified gaps and opportunities - not necessarily to initiate training activities but to develop an action plan of how these might be determined and planned ie concentrate on process, mechanisms - perhaps look at some examples of how others have tackled similar situations - use facilitators to focus discussions and maximise chance of achieving objectives

SWOT-analysis Joint activities (Staying together is progress) Agreement on a financial model Agreement on a topics Agreement on IP for individual scientists Legal basis of contract (overhead costs etc.) TimeLanguage Synergies, added value Save resources Increase of consumer trust Enabling specific networks Network of networks Exchange of know-how New way of thinking Transparency (evaluation procedure, funding etc.) in-kind contribution Experimental process THREATSOPPORTUNITIES Not defined sequence of actions Costs of travel (money, time) Not defined modalities (selection criteria, evaluating and managing board) Hard to compete for smaller groups of scientists Needs time to prepare legal basis Needs time to convince decision makers Hard to compete for new member states (management, experience, contacts, equipment, communication, etc.); lack of trust. Win-win Situation Faster implementation Faster results More complete Best expertise Better price performance ratio Wider use of results (IP) Coordinated management WEAKNESSESSTRENGTHS

Planned Workshop in Bonn October 2006Planned Workshop in Bonn October 2006 Aims:Aims: To investigate the feasibility of establishing a food safety research ideas forum for public funders to facilitate opportunities for joint activities. Planning Group - Alisdair, Leda, Marta, Monica, Karen Location: Gustav Stresemann Institute, Bonn, Germany Who should attend: Representatives of public bodies who are responsible for funding food safety research and/or developing food safety research strategy with the aim of informing funding priorities within countries/regions. Participants should have knowledge of funding/strategy development procedures and constraints. We also want to involve representatives from outside the ERA NET partners, such as EFSA, other national/regional food safety authorities, and the Commission 7 July - 1st notification to ERA NET partners of proposed workshop 26 July - 2nd notification together with official invite and request to distribute to national contacts 7 September - reminder issued, together with 1st results on registrants

WP4: Joint Activities Registrations to date: ERA NET partnersOthers TekesEFSA VWABelgian Public Health Dept WZZFAO FAFSCIcelandic Fisheries Labs BVLWHO FSASafefood Ireland NICeNorwegian Food Safety Authority RannisCroatian Food Agency RCNMinistry of Health, Macedonia ElikaBasque Government NCM Total: 24 participants to date - would like to see more!!

WP4: Joint Activities Draft Workshop Programme 30 October :00 - Registration, Lunch 14:00 - Welcome, – Ms Gessler, Head of the European Union Office in Bonn Presentations: 14:15 - FP7 and food safety research – Dyanne Bennink DG RTD, European Commission 14:45 – How can cooperation create added value – experiences from the Nordic Council of Ministers. Tryggvi Felixson, Head of Department for Environment and Resources, Nordic Council of Ministers Secretariat 15:15 - ? Professor Hensel BfR (tbc) or ? Talk re Optimat/VDI/VDE/IT report on Increasing the impact of National Research Programmes through Transnational Cooperation and Opening. 15:45 - Coffee 16: st workshop session – short intro to task, breakout groups (max 4), feedback to plenary - ?what do we need for a network to work – info, infrastructure using a visioning process – imagine the network is in place – what does it look like and do a SWOT analysis on it) 18:00 - Close first day 19:00 - -Dinner – the Petersberg.

WP4: Joint Activities Draft Workshop Programme 31 October : nd workshop session – short intro, incl review of 1 st session, breakout and feedback - what are the constraints to establishing a functioning network from systems already in place 10:30 - Coffee 11: rd workshop session – intro/breakout/feedback as before or perhaps plenary - Developing a roadmap – how do we/can we get to an operational network 12:30 - Conclusions/next steps 13:00 - Close – lunch for those who want it