Mr. Bible and Mrs. Cameron’s Classroom High Expectations! -Respect-administration, teachers, and peers. -Work! There is no substitute for hard work! -Follow the procedures.
Classroom Procedures Calculators -You have an assigned calculator. -You will use your calculator. -If you need batteries, let us know. -When getting a calculator or returning a calculator, keep noise level to a whisper.
Classroom Procedures Entering the Classroom -Sharpen pencil if needed. -Grab your spiral and your calculator and begin the daily quiz.
Classroom Procedures Notebook -Label everything. -You will have daily quizzes, notes, and classwork. -I need to be able to quickly find all of them.
Classroom Procedures Quick Attention Grabber - Ideas??? Exit Ticket.
Classroom Procedures Transitions -When we transition from one activity to another, it is not social time. -I do not care if you ask you neighbor questions quietly, but no weekend and later on talk.
Classroom Procedures Quiz -There is no need to copy, this is a daily warm up into the days lesson. -Zero talking during the quiz.
Classroom Procedures Notes -If you ever miss a note, ask a neighbor or myself to repeat. Classwork -I do not mind if you ask your neighbor, myself, or Mrs. Cameron for help. -Math whispers only, no talking.
Classroom Procedures All Testing -There is ZERO talking during any kind of test. -If there is ONE test out, then there is ZERO talking.
Classroom Procedures End of Class -Please pick up any trash around your desk. If everyone picks up their trash, you will not have to pick up someone else's.
Classroom Procedures Materials -Spiral, journal, composition book. -Please bring a pencil to class everyday, you will need it EVERYDAY.