SAFEFOODERA – SSA – integration project Expansion of SAFEFOODERA – Fully integrated or Associated partnership in 12 months
Workpackages WP1 Management Framework The tasks objectives WP2 Mapping WP3 Preparation of strategy WP4 Information dissemination The aim is to organise and manage the measures necessary for the integration of new members Establishment of national core groups Selection of national delegate to SFE SC Approval by SC of SFE (Cyprus) Defining funding sources (national and/or SFE) Establishment of management group for new countries (1 member from each country and 1 member assigned by SC of SFE) in connection with WP6) Preparation of a final report and proposal to EC
Workpackages WP1 Management Framework WP2 Mapping The tasks objectives WP2 Mapping WP3 Preparation of strategy WP4 Information dissemination The aim is mapping of new countries Stakeholders Research institutions (research projects) Funding and decision making bodies Deadline July,
Workpackages WP1 Management Framework WP3 Preparation of strategy The tasks objectives WP2 Mapping WP3 Preparation of strategy WP4 Information dissemination The aim is to identify and to fill critical gaps between SFE members and new countries (in connection with SFE WP4 and regional workshops) -preliminary report, August, finalisation, September (regional workshop)
Workpackages WP1 Management Framework WP4 Information dissemination The tasks objectives WP2 Mapping WP3 Preparation of strategy WP4 Information dissemination The aim is to disseminate information and to encourage discussion on a national level Regional workshops (September, 2006)