The vision To build a staircase to European excellence in food safety research programming through trust and mutual understanding.


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Presentation transcript:

The vision To build a staircase to European excellence in food safety research programming through trust and mutual understanding

Building the staircase by stimulating European countries to develop food safety research programmes with transnational activitiesby stimulating European countries to develop food safety research programmes with transnational activities by balancing the need for research and funding at national, regional and European levelby balancing the need for research and funding at national, regional and European level by stimulating open communications between authorities (EFSA, regional/national), industries, consumers and scientists based on scientific knowledgeby stimulating open communications between authorities (EFSA, regional/national), industries, consumers and scientists based on scientific knowledge

2003 ERA-NET PROFORSAFE 2002 NRA-NET Processing for food safety 1993 NRA-NET NordFood NordFood The Background of the Staircase 2003 ERA-NET PERIAPT 2004 ERA-NET SAFEFOODERA

Project title: Food Safety - Forming a European platform for protecting consumers against health risks

2008 A European platform for protecting consumers against food health risks The Staircase to the Future Information Exchange External communication Strategic Activities Joint Activities Transnational Activities External communication 2004 ERA-NET SAFEFOODERA

The primary objective (1) is to establish a European platform for protecting consumers against health risks from the consumption of food through a co-ordination action ERA-NET of 15 Member States, 3 Associated Countries and 2 regional organisations representing in total 480 million European citizens

The primary objective (2) From each country one representative from a public body responsible for financing or managing research activities on food safety issues carried out at national or regional level is appointed to the European Steering Committee (ESC), which will have the overall responsibility for directing and managing the work.

The primary objective (3) One representative with high standards of scientific excellence will be appointed to the European Expert Advisory Group (EEAG), providing scientific and technical support when requested by the ESC.

The primary objective (4) The ESC and the project management will work closely together to compare ongoing and proposed activities in the national food safety research programmes of the participating countries, and to investigate the scope for strategic co-operation, harmonisation and development of joint programmes of activity.

The benefits The benefits Short term: Learning from each other Short term: Learning from each other (Best Practice – 0 -1 year). (Best Practice – 0 -1 year). Long term: Lasting transnational research within food safety topics of key importance to European consumers, authorities and industry Long term: Lasting transnational research within food safety topics of key importance to European consumers, authorities and industry

SAFEFOODERA - Graphical presentation Y0-Y4 = Year from project start

Workpackages WP1 Management Framework WP2 Information Exchange WP3 Strategic Activities WP4 Joint Activities WP5 Transnationally Activities The objective of the workpackage is: The objective of the workpackage is: the overall follow up on co-ordination and the overall follow up on co-ordination and management, including the organisational management, including the organisational and financial responsibility for the and financial responsibility for the implementation of the ERA-NET. implementation of the ERA-NET. WP6 External Communication

Workpackages WP1 Management Framework The Project Coordinator (PC) will call the The Project Coordinator (PC) will call the ESC meetings. The agenda will include: ESC meetings. The agenda will include: scientific and technical objectives of the scientific and technical objectives of the project, including work plan of each WP project, including work plan of each WP technical deliverables technical deliverables external communication, including reports to external communication, including reports to be published be published financial status and administrative matters financial status and administrative matters WP2 Information Exchange WP3 Strategic Activities WP4 Joint Activities WP5 Transnationally Activities WP6 External Communication

Workpackages WP1 Management Framework All the ESC members must participate All the ESC members must participate actively in and between the meetings by: actively in and between the meetings by: providing all information needed to perform providing all information needed to perform the various tasks in the agreed timeframe. the various tasks in the agreed timeframe. make every effort to maximise exploitation of make every effort to maximise exploitation of the results obtained. the results obtained. disseminate the work and outcome by disseminate the work and outcome by informing appropriate national bodies in informing appropriate national bodies in your country. your country. WP2 Information Exchange WP3 Strategic Activities WP4 Joint Activities WP5 Transnational Activities WP6 External Communication

Workpackages WP1 Management Framework The PMG will meet regularly, at least every The PMG will meet regularly, at least every 3 months. The tasks will be to: 3 months. The tasks will be to: prepare the next ESC meeting as directed by prepare the next ESC meeting as directed by ESC. ESC. discuss all strategic and administrative issues discuss all strategic and administrative issues to be presented and decided by the ESC. to be presented and decided by the ESC. On request from ESC or the PC, ad hoc On request from ESC or the PC, ad hoc meetings will be organized when needed. meetings will be organized when needed. WP2 Information Exchange WP3 Strategic Activities WP4 Joint Activities WP5 Transnational Activities WP6 External Communication

Workpackages WP1 Management Framework The PMG will oversee and steer the co- The PMG will oversee and steer the co- ordination activities in the six workpackages. ordination activities in the six workpackages. The workpackage task facilitators (WPTFs) The workpackage task facilitators (WPTFs) will organise and manage the work in all will organise and manage the work in all participating countries. participating countries. The PMG will ensure progress in line with The PMG will ensure progress in line with stipulated milestones and deliverables. stipulated milestones and deliverables. WP2 Information Exchange WP3 Strategic Activities WP4 Joint Activities WP5 Transnational Activities WP6 External Communication

Workpackages WP2 Information Exchange WP1 Management Framework Milestones and deliverables WP3 Strategic Activities WP6 External Communication M1 - 1 st ESC meeting, month 1 M1 - 1 st ESC meeting, month 1 M5 - 2 nd ESC meeting, month 12 M5 - 2 nd ESC meeting, month 12 M rd ESC meeting, month 18 M rd ESC meeting, month 18 D6 - 1 st annual report to the Commission, month 18 D6 - 1 st annual report to the Commission, month 18 M th ESC meeting, month 36 M th ESC meeting, month 36 WP4 Joint Activities WP5 Transnational Activities

Workpackages WP2 Information Exchange WP1 Management Framework Milestones and deliverables WP3 Strategic Activities WP6 External Communication D9 - 2 nd annual report to the Commission, D9 - 2 nd annual report to the Commission, month 36 month 36 M th ESC meeting and the final project M th ESC meeting and the final project meeting, month 48 meeting, month 48 D rd annual report to the Commission, D rd annual report to the Commission, month 48 month 48 D th project newsletter & Final report of D th project newsletter & Final report of SAFEFOODERA, month 48 SAFEFOODERA, month 48 WP4 Joint Activities WP5 Transnational Activities

SAFEFOODERA - Graphical presentation Y0-Y4 = Year from project start

Provisional strategic topics Management of programmes Management of programmes and evaluation practices WP2 Information Exchange 1. Emerging risks 1. Emerging risks 2. Risk analysis 2. Risk analysis 3. Process induced risk 3. Process induced risk 4. Traceability 4. Traceability 5. Campylobacter 5. Campylobacter ? To be selected ? To be selected The participants will work closely together to: compare practices in programme and compare practices in programme and project evaluation, management and project evaluation, management and analysis/communication procedures analysis/communication procedures compare ongoing and funded compare ongoing and funded activities in the national food safety activities in the national food safety research programmes research programmes

The objectives The objectives To define best practice and to develop To define best practice and to develop harmonised evaluation, management harmonised evaluation, management and analysis/communication procedures and analysis/communication procedures Milestones and deliverables Milestones and deliverables M4 - Comparison of evaluation criteria for project funding, month 12 project funding, month 12 M10 - Comparison of practices in programme management, month 18 management, month Emerging risks 1. Emerging risks 2. Risk analysis 2. Risk analysis 3. Process induced risk 3. Process induced risk 4. Traceability 4. Traceability 5. Campylobacter 5. Campylobacter ? To be selected ? To be selected WP2 Information Exchange Provisional strategic topics Management of programmes and evaluation practices

The objectives The objectives To identify a procedure or a system to To identify a procedure or a system to proactively describe new or re-emerging proactively describe new or re-emerging chemical and/or microbial risks chemical and/or microbial risks Milestones and deliverables Milestones and deliverables M3 - Identification of best practice (scientific criteria) in programming concepts on criteria) in programming concepts on research on emerging risks, month 12 research on emerging risks, month Emerging risks 1. Emerging risks 2. Risk analysis 2. Risk analysis 3. Process induced risk 3. Process induced risk 4. Traceability 4. Traceability 5. Campylobacter 5. Campylobacter ? To be selected ? To be selected WP2 Information Exchange Provisional strategic topics Management of programmes and evaluation practices

The objectives The objectives 1. To identify complementarities between topics in ongoing or funded national or regional programmes Milestones and deliverables Milestones and deliverables M2 - Comparison of national/regional M2 - Comparison of national/regional food safety research programmes, food safety research programmes, month 9 month 9 1. Emerging risks 1. Emerging risks 2. Risk analysis 2. Risk analysis 3. Process induced risk 3. Process induced risk 4. Traceability 4. Traceability 5. Campylobacter 5. Campylobacter ? To be selected ? To be selected WP2 Information Exchange Provisional strategic topics Management of programmes and evaluation practices

The objectives 2. Clustering of projects and the exchange of information on project goals in overlapping or complementary areas Milestones and deliverables Milestones and deliverables M11 - A posteriori clustering of research M11 - A posteriori clustering of research projects, month 18 projects, month 18 D3 - Report on the a posteriori clustering D3 - Report on the a posteriori clustering of research projects, month 18 of research projects, month Emerging risks 1. Emerging risks 2. Risk analysis 2. Risk analysis 3. Process induced risk 3. Process induced risk 4. Traceability 4. Traceability 5. Campylobacter 5. Campylobacter ? To be selected ? To be selected WP2 Information Exchange Provisional strategic topics Management of programmes and evaluation practices

SAFEFOODERA - Graphical presentation Y0-Y4 = Year from project start

WP 3: Strategic Activities General objective: based on the information from WP2, PERIAPT and PROFORSAFE 1)to identify the most important complementarities between ongoing national and regional programmes and the most important research topics 2)to identify the organisational barriers hindering transnational research co-operation Emerging risks: to identify and create a network of key sources, resources and instruments to support the identification of new- or re-emerging food- and feed related risks.

WP 3: Strategic Activities WP 3 aims at developing strategic cooperation between the national research programmes and projects dealing with food safety.

WP 3: Strategic Activities Focus: How to deal with the different types of barriersHow to deal with the different types of barriers ContractsContracts FinancesFinances EthicsEthics LegalLegal To find strategic research topics of common interest and to further develop the selected topicsTo find strategic research topics of common interest and to further develop the selected topics

WP 3: Strategic Activities Expected results: Identification of best practice inIdentification of best practice in programming concepts (on emerging risks)programming concepts (on emerging risks) project evaluation and managementproject evaluation and management Selection of joint strategic research topicsSelection of joint strategic research topics Identification of barriers hindering co-operationIdentification of barriers hindering co-operation Identification of new possibilities and gaps in transnational researchIdentification of new possibilities and gaps in transnational research

WP 2 WP 5 WP 4

WP 3: Strategic Activities WP 4 & WP 5 are based on WP 3 Quality of information from all participating countries is highly important!!!!! Please, note deadlines!!!

SAFEFOODERA - Graphical presentation Y0-Y4 = Year from project start

WP4: Joint Activities General objective: develop a joint action plan on new opportunities and gaps identified from WP3, including, where appropriate, training activities and cooperative networks of key actors. WP Facilitator: Alisdair Wotherspoon

WP4: Joint Activities Commences month 15 of project - October 2005Commences month 15 of project - October 2005 Key relationship to outputs of WP3 (and WP2) if to start well/on time - therefore need to be involved closely in earlier work Main deliverables Main deliverables - report on joint action plan in food safety by August report on joint networks of excellence in food safety by July 2007

WP4: Joint Activities Work that can be usefully done before month 15 - better understanding of Nordic model - as basis for solving challenges - planning for workshop in month 20 - discuss and agree objectives - who to involve and the process - gather information on established networks of excellence - how?, what?

WP4: Joint Activities Workshop on joint training activities - to build on outputs from WP3 of identified gaps and opportunities - not necessarily to initiate training activities but to develop an action plan of how these might be determined and planned ie concentrate on process, mechanisms - perhaps look at some examples of how others have tackled similar situations - use facilitators to focus discussions and maximise chance of achieving objectives

WP4: Joint Activities - elaboration of joint networks of excellence - elaboration of joint networks of excellence - avoid confusion with FP NoEs (though may include these?) - criteria to define excellence, how to gather and assess information, mechanisms to promote formation, development of networks - to include possibility of setting up networks of national programme managers - how would these work, training exchanges?

WP4: Joint Activities Task management - need early discussions in ESC and management group to agree particular aims and objectives eg of workshop and so factor in earlier work where it is most efficient - possible role for EEAG in work to deliver WP, what might this be? - possibly set up a sub-group of partners to help drive forward the more detailed work

SAFEFOODERA - Graphical presentation Y0-Y4 = Year from project start

WP 5: Transnational activities General objective: to use the information from WP 2, 3 & 4 to build a transnational research programme to be included in participants national food safety programmes

WP 5: Transnational activities Major steps in a call for research programme –Elaboration of the call for proposal –Dissemination of the call for proposal –Selection procedure for the submitted projects –Management of selected projects * –Dissemination of results of funded projects * this step could be difficult to harmonised

WP 5: Transnational activities Objective 1: to build a common research programme in agreement with the ESC Objective 2: to disseminate the call to the adequate researchers across partners countries Objective 3: to build a common accepted and efficient selection procedure for the projects Objective 4: to disseminate efficiently the results of research funded Objective 5: to evaluate the quality of the call

Objective 1: to build a common research programme in agreement with the ESC The call should be realistic in order to allow to conduct an evaluation procedure i.e. « first call » rather than « pilot call » Several strategic topic (s) should have been selected from WP 3 & 4 Several members of the ERA net should be involved Validation of the transnational call by the ESC

Objective 2: to disseminate the call to the adequate researchers across partners countries Establishment of a procedure for the dissemination of a European call across countries Establishment of indicators of success to be used for objective 5 –Global response rate –Distribution of response rates by country –Quality of respondents –Adequation of responses with the topic (s) –…………

Objective 3: to build a common accepted and efficient selection procedure for the projects Compilation of evaluation procedures in recent calls at national level in the field of food safety Interviews with programme managers to analyse the key points in the selection criterias Establishment of a draft protocole Validation of the draft protocole by the ESC

Objective 4: to disseminate efficiently the results of research funded Establishment of a procedure for the dissemination of results across countries –Scientific journal vs report –Paper vs web site –Workshops… Establishment of indicators of success to be used for objective 5 –Questionnaire for researchers –………..

Objective 5: to evaluate the quality of the call Assessment of the efficiency of each phase in relation with previously elaborated indicators –With national programme managers (ESC) for objectives 1 & 3 –With researchers for objectives 2 & 4 Identification and correction of the gaps Production of guidelines for future transnational calls (final report)

SAFEFOODERA - Graphical presentation Y0-Y4 = Year from project start

Workpackages WP1 Management Framework WP6 External Communication WP2 Information exchange WP3 Strategic activities WP4 Joint activities WP5 Transnationally activities The participants of the participating countries will work closely together to: To establish links to consumer groups, industry, To establish links to consumer groups, industry, authorities, the scientific community and non-participating authorities, the scientific community and non-participating Member States to promote their involvement in food Member States to promote their involvement in food safety. safety. The set up and maintenance of the projects web site that The set up and maintenance of the projects web site that is to be used for most of the communication and for the is to be used for most of the communication and for the exchange and dissemination of information throughout exchange and dissemination of information throughout the duration of the project the duration of the project

Workpackages WP1 Management Framework WP6 External Communication The tasks objectives WP2 Information exchange WP3 Strategic activities WP4 Joint activities WP5 Transnationally activities The objective is to establish links with stakeholders to facilitate pan-European dissemination and exploitation of project results, including the execution of common plans for dissemination. It will also ensure early engagement with other eligible funding bodies in Europe to maximise the potential for a wider network.

Workpackages WP1 Management Framework WP6 External Communication Milestones and deliverables WP2 Information exchange WP3 Strategic activities WP4 Joint activities WP5 Transnationally activities D7 - Flyers about the 1 st Seminar with 1) consumer groups and industry, 2) authorities & 3) representatives from non-participating member 2) authorities & 3) representatives from non-participating member States & 1 st project newsletter, month 22 States & 1 st project newsletter, month 22 M st Seminar with authorities, month 24 M st Seminar with non-participating member States, month 24 M st Seminar with consumer groups and industry, month 24 D13 - Proceedings for the 1 st Seminar with consumer groups and industry, authorities & representatives from non-participating industry, authorities & representatives from non-participating member States & 2 nd project newsletter, month 25 member States & 2 nd project newsletter, month 25

Workpackages WP1 Management Framework WP6 External Communication Milestones and deliverables WP2 Information exchange WP3 Strategic activities WP4 Joint activities WP5 Transnationally activities D14 - Flyers about the 1 st Seminar with the scientific community & 3 rd project newsletter, month 26 & 3 rd project newsletter, month 26 M st Seminar with the scientific community, month 28 D16 - Proceedings for 1 st Seminar with the scientific community, month 29

Workpackages WP1 Management Framework WP6 External Communication Milestones and deliverables WP2 Information exchange WP3 Strategic activities WP4 Joint activities WP5 Transnationally activities D22 - Flyers about the 2 nd Seminar with 1) consumer groups and industry, 2) authorities & 3) representatives from non-participating member 2) authorities & 3) representatives from non-participating member States & 4 th project newsletter, month 40 States & 4 th project newsletter, month 40 M nd Seminar with authorities, month 42 M nd Seminar with non-participating member States, month 42 M nd Seminar with consumer groups and industry, month 42 D25 - Proceedings for the 2 nd Seminar with consumer groups and industry, authorities & representatives from non-participating member States, authorities & representatives from non-participating member States, month 43 month 43

Workpackages WP1 Management Framework WP6 External Communication Milestones and deliverables WP2 Information exchange WP3 Strategic activities WP4 Joint activities WP5 Transnationally activities D26 - Flyers about the 2 nd Seminar with the scientific community & 5 th project newsletter, month 44 project newsletter, month 44 M nd Seminar with the scientific community, month 46 D28 - Proceedings for 2 nd Seminar with the scientific community, month 47

The vision To build a staircase to European excellence in food safety research programming through trust and mutual understanding